Robert Stebbins, Professor Emeritus at University of Calgary in Alberta, takes a fascinating look at what we need to know about optimal leisure lifestyle
Researchers suggest that to combat loneliness, finding activities with the ‘flow’ – engaging deeply in meaningful activities – can increase leisure and reduce loneliness.
Participants in women-only meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous experience a strong feeling of loneliness and rejection, due to the social stigma tied to female alcohol dependence.
The last two years created psychological strain, with the pandemic sparking feelings of uncertainty about both professional and personal futures - creating issues for employee mental health.
Exercise has been found to lessen cardiovascular and psychological effects of adverse childhood experiences, especially in reducing female childhood trauma.
'You are what you eat' has never rung so true, as researchers uncover links between the gut microbiome and personality traits - so, can nutrition change our psychology?
Psychedelic drugs have recently been used to treat mental health disorders – now scientists find they can also provide better understanding into the attribution of consciousness.