As violence against women recedes from mainstream conversation again, a new drink spiking "epidemic" is happening - with attackers giving an injection to their victims.
A study, published in Nature Neuroscience, finds that pain can block how dopamine functions - meaning that the negative effects of pain can theoretically be reversed.
"The study team were hugely disappointed," says Dr Linmarie Sikich, whose team found that oxytocin is actually an ineffective treatment for children with autism.
The University of Oxford found that teenagers with depression "mute" upsetting information, while depressed adults do not have the same coping mechanism.
Brendan Street, Head of Charity, Nuffield Health, ponders the latest workplace epidemic Hybrid Burnout and how to help staff manage the psychological stress of balancing home and office working.
This World Mental Health Day, we spoke to seven business leaders on the importance of mental health awareness and what all employers can do to support their staff.
Here, Mark Creighton, CEO of Avado, speaks on the urgent need to overhaul our skills system and focus on the youth of tomorrow, ensuring they have the capabilities needed to thrive as we enter a new phase of hybrid working.
Targeted neuromodulation may be a future method to help those with severe, untreatable depression - traditionally, this is used to correct misfiring brain circuits in people with epilepsy or Parkinson's.
New research suggests that regular walks can change brain structure - a team of scientists noticed changes in the prefrontal cortex, which improved participant concentration and memory.