Mental Health

Adapting the Icelandic Prevention Model to improve the wellbeing of young people in Ireland

Improving health outcomes for young people: What is the Icelandic Prevention Model, and how does it work.

Study finds nurses have more suicidal ideation than general workforce

In a survey of 7,000 US nurses, researchers found that there was more pre-COVID suicidal ideation than in the general workforce.

UK faces new drink spiking “epidemic” via injection to body

As violence against women recedes from mainstream conversation again, a new drink spiking "epidemic" is happening - with attackers giving an injection to their victims.

Psychologists report increase in demand for anxiety and depression treatment

Psychologists have reported an increase in the demand for treatment of anxiety and depression since the start of the pandemic.

Scientists able to reverse negative effects of pain in brain

A study, published in Nature Neuroscience, finds that pain can block how dopamine functions - meaning that the negative effects of pain can theoretically be reversed.

Change the UK’s unhealthy relationship with alcohol

Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, Chair of the Alcohol Health Alliance, examines what must be done to change the UK’s unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

Science says oxytocin is bad treatment for children with autism

"The study team were hugely disappointed," says Dr Linmarie Sikich, whose team found that oxytocin is actually an ineffective treatment for children with autism.

Is there LGBTQ+ discrimination in STEM academia?

Do LGBTQ+ academics still feel pressured to hide their identity in STEM academia, even in 2021?

Home-based treatment in the model project

Providing individualised and better care for people with mental health issues at home through the use of the model project.

Researchers say teens with depression “mute” upsetting information

The University of Oxford found that teenagers with depression "mute" upsetting information, while depressed adults do not have the same coping mechanism.

Why employee wellbeing must remain a priority as we enter hybrid working

Erin Eatough, Behavioral Science Manager, BetterUp, explores why hybrid working has elevated the importance of employee wellbeing .

Supporting employees returning to the hybrid workplace

Brendan Street, Head of Charity, Nuffield Health, ponders the latest workplace epidemic Hybrid Burnout and how to help staff manage the psychological stress of balancing home and office working.

How employers can support staff this World Mental Health Day

This World Mental Health Day, we spoke to seven business leaders on the importance of mental health awareness and what all employers can do to support their staff.

The long-term lens on employee development and wellbeing in the workplace

Here, Mark Creighton, CEO of Avado, speaks on the urgent need to overhaul our skills system and focus on the youth of tomorrow, ensuring they have the capabilities needed to thrive as we enter a new phase of hybrid working.

Neuromodulation clears symptoms of severe, untreatable depression

Targeted neuromodulation may be a future method to help those with severe, untreatable depression - traditionally, this is used to correct misfiring brain circuits in people with epilepsy or Parkinson's.

Where is the research into Black autism and ADHD?

Suzy Rowland, author of S.E.N.D. in the Clowns: Essential ADHD/Autism Family Guide, discusses the  need for research on Black autism and ADHD.

Study reveals taking regular walks changes brain structure

New research suggests that regular walks can change brain structure - a team of scientists noticed changes in the prefrontal cortex, which improved participant concentration and memory.


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