Mental Health

Adapting the Icelandic Prevention Model to improve the wellbeing of young people in Ireland

Improving health outcomes for young people: What is the Icelandic Prevention Model, and how does it work.

COVID-19: The time for mental healthcare reform is now

Jennifer Oroilidis and Marie Fallon-Kund, from Mental Health Europe, argue that in light of COVID-19, the time for mental healthcare reform is now.

Will the UK learn from COVID-19 mistakes affecting vulnerable communities?

Family law Barrister Paula Rhone-Adrien speaks about the suffering of vulnerable people in the wake of COVID-19 mistakes by the UK.

New study shows CBD treatment may help treat pain, anxiety, and depression

Here, OilsBySimpson explains the findings of a new study on 400 patients prescribed cannabidiol (CBD). The results show promise for pain, anxiety, and depression.

Resilience is like a muscle we can train

Resilience in times of crises and how to come our stronger - an interview about with Prof. Dr. Brigitte Anderl-Doliwa and Franz-Josef Wagner.

Modern laws: The psychological impact of racism on healthcare

Here Tamara Muhammad, barrister at One Pump chambers, discusses her insight into the law and the unique psychological impact of racism to ethnic minorities.

How can you build a genuinely inclusive organisation?

Stephen Frost, Founder of Frost Included, discusses the ways to build an inclusive organisation that centres the experiences of minorities.

‘Luminaire of the Future’ aims to revolutionise the European lighting industry

Here, Project Coordinator of “Repro-light” Wilfred Pohl explains how the customisable and sustainable ‘Luminaire of the Future’ aims to revolutionise European lighting in the workplace.

Globally addressing polypharmacy and multimorbidities with computational techniques

Dr Juliana Bowles, School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, discusses how to tackle polypharmacy and multimorbidities with computational techniques.

Leeds City College ‘I’m In’ campaign supports students and staff in lockdown

As part of the ‘I’m In’ campaign, Leeds City College have put in place a number of stimulating activities and resources to provide mental health support to students and staff during the COVID-19 lockdown.

How to beat the COVID-19 lockdown blues

Lucy Victoria Desai, copywriter at Fulton Umbrellas, here discusses ways to fight the COVID-19 lockdown blues.

Managing sickness and absences during unprecedented times and beyond

Andy Shettle, Chief Product Officer of ER Tracker at Selenity, discusses how businesses can manage sickness and absences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How can your employees avoid quarantine burnout?

Alexandra Anders, Talent Director at Cornerstone OnDemand, shares tips on how employees and organisations can spot the signs of quarantine burnout and how to avoid it.

5 ways to protect the wellbeing of frontline healthcare professionals

Shujaat Ali, founder of Medical Travel Market, suggests five ways healthcare organisations can protect frontline healthcare professionals wellbeing during the pandemic.

Mental health should be a priority as we adjust to a new normal life

To commemorate Mental Health Awareness Week, Open Access Government spoke to six technology experts to hear their advice on how organisations should be tackling mental health as we embrace a new normal life.

What is the lockdown impact on alcohol intake, gambling and porn use?

One of the key questions is soon to be answered by researchers, who will track lockdown impact on alcohol intake, gambling habits and porn watching.

Easing physical and mental strain in the workplace

Caroline Payne, Head of Customer Advisory, Public Sector at SAS UK & Ireland, discusses how workforce analytics can be applied to help improve physical and mental strain in the workplace.


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