PMAC, mental health training and wellbeing professionals, discuss the link between social media and mental health, highlighting that the blame may lie with humanity rather than technology.
David Price, CEO and workplace wellbeing expert at Health Assured, discusses how companies can offer support for LGBTQ+ mental health in the workplace.
Certain pets in your home can improve both your physical and mental health, your social skills and your body’s ability to fight off the development of allergies.
Eos Scientific has commissioned research across a sample of more than 2000 UK adults exploring the growing shift in health-conscious millennials seeking CBD oil over prescriptions for mental health.
Here, Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, discusses everything that women need to know about menopause and the effects it can have on your mental health.
Open Access Government delve into the CBD oil revolution in this introduction to CBD which explores the difference between CBD and THC, as well as a range of benefits and safety precautions for cannabidiol use in cancer patients and pregnant women.
Here, Lucy Victoria Desai, copywriter at Mediaworks, looks into the mental health of catering employees and offers advice on how they can alleviate stress.
This article takes a look at the mental health implications for children who are caught up in the middle of a marital breakdown. We will also analyse what you, as a parent, can do to help them.
From improved mental health provisions to the age of telecommunications, Dr Ian Jackson, Medical Director and Clinical Safety Officer at Refero, discusses what 2020 might hold for technology in healthcare.