Everyone eligible for an NHS wheelchair and people who require aftercare services under section 117 of the Mental Health Act will have access to personal health budgets.
Ahead of National Stress Awareness Week (Monday 4th November – Friday 8th November 2019), TalkOut has pulled together these handy tips to help you feel calmer, less stressed and more mindful in the workplace.
A poll commissioned by eye research charity Fight for Sight has found that 4 in 10 Brits either has or knows someone with significant sight loss, and a third of these people have experienced mental health issues.
Hong Kong’s Elderly Health Service has an increasingly important role to play in improving primary healthcare of the elderly, as this article discovers, with a special focus on recommended exercise as one of the many elements to promote healthy ageing in individuals.
The NHS Confederation and Amnesty International respond to the Queen's Speech, highlighting elements such as a credible domestic agenda and a need for immigration reform.
Dr Anantha Duraiappah and Nandini Chatterjee Singh from UNESCO, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, share their views on the importance of global citizenship for human flourishing.
Jo Sellick, Managing Director, Sellick Partnership, highlights the need to reduce the stigma associated with mental health at work on this year's World Mental Health Day.
Sarah Stranks, Health, Safety, Quality and Environment Manager at Thomson Environmental Consultants discusses the importance of good workplace mental health and how companies can ensure that staff are well supported through various initiatives.
Here Dr Margot Sunderland – leading child psychologist and Director of Education and Training at The Centre for Child Mental Health – explores back-to-school burnout and provides teachers with advice on how stay fit and healthy.