Mental Health

Adapting the Icelandic Prevention Model to improve the wellbeing of young people in Ireland

Improving health outcomes for young people: What is the Icelandic Prevention Model, and how does it work.

Health and social workers are most likely to suffer from work-related stress

Health and social workers tend to work longer hours and report more cases of work-related stress, depression and anxiety, according to an analysis by The Office Group (TOG).

Students’ Emotional Fitness app Fika shortlisted for Start-Up of the Year 

Fika co-founders Nick Bennett and Gareth Fryer have been recognised for a pioneering new approach to student wellbeing as the Emotional Fitness app has been shortlisted for Start-Up of the Year at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards.

Scientists find mental cause of ‘Uncanny Valley’ feeling

University of Cambridge scientists have discovered mechanisms in the brain that could be the cause of the 'Uncanny Valley' feeling, of looking at something near to human but not quite human.

Suffering in silence: The fear of undocumented female victims in America

In this article, immigration attorney Kushal Patel exposes how undocumented female victims of sexual, physical and emotional abuse feel unable to go to the police, due to the policy adopted by President Trump.

New joint local services inspections to focus on children’s mental health

Ofsted have published guidance for inspectors for new series of joint inspections focusing on children’s mental health.

What can schools do to spot and avert mental health issues?

Schools across the UK are dealing with a mental health epidemic, with both primary and secondary school leaders reporting a rise in stress, anxiety and panic attacks in their pupils as well as depression, self-harm and eating disorders.

Government announces £135 million investment in health research

New government investment in health research will help tackle the biggest challenges over the next 5 years, including dementia, obesity and mental health.

NHS mental health programme to be rolled out in schools nationwide

Education Secretary Damian Hinds sets out new plans to bring specialist NHS mental health services to UK schools for young people.

NHS and digital transformation: The long-term plan

In this article, David Highton reflects on how the long-term plan needs to address the NHS and digital transformation.

Flexible workplaces to improve employee mental health

Nearly 40% of people employed at flexible workplaces claim it has significantly improved in their mental health, Wildgoose survey finds.

What if we had robot therapists instead of humans?

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) have published an initial study into how AI robot therapists could be used in the future to treat mental illness: Here we examine their ethical concerns.

Beyond pain relief and mental health: The science behind CBD oil

Snoring? Dry skin? Sleeplessness? Eczema? Inflammation? Studies continue to explore the benefits of CBD oil, the cannabis plant extract.

Ralph J. Poole: Becoming a gender-queer researcher

Professor Ralph J. Poole, University of Salzburg, opens up about his career as a gender-queer researcher, here.

Why the Armed Forces Community needs more than just money

Ray Lock, CBE and Chief Executive of Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) discusses how the present delivery systems for the transition of ex-Service personnel and their families into civilian life could be improved.

Minority discrimination linked to increased risk of psychosis

Discrimination is likely to be associated with an increased risk of psychosis, according to research by psychologists at the University of Manchester and Lancaster.

Smart Working and Loneliness – a social issue for flexible working

PLACEmaking discuss loneliness in Smart Working environments, and how to encourage social interaction for the benefit of employees


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