Mental Health

The benefits of a balanced diet for pets

Good pet nutrition and exercise are key to safeguarding pets’ health and wellbeing. We explore the physical and mental effects obesity can have on dogs and what owners can do about it with vet Dr Scott Miller and dog behaviour specialist Adem Fehmi.

Government announces £135 million investment in health research

New government investment in health research will help tackle the biggest challenges over the next 5 years, including dementia, obesity and mental health.

NHS mental health programme to be rolled out in schools nationwide

Education Secretary Damian Hinds sets out new plans to bring specialist NHS mental health services to UK schools for young people.

NHS and digital transformation: The long-term plan

In this article, David Highton reflects on how the long-term plan needs to address the NHS and digital transformation.

Flexible workplaces to improve employee mental health

Nearly 40% of people employed at flexible workplaces claim it has significantly improved in their mental health, Wildgoose survey finds.

What if we had robot therapists instead of humans?

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) have published an initial study into how AI robot therapists could be used in the future to treat mental illness: Here we examine their ethical concerns.

Beyond pain relief and mental health: The science behind CBD oil

Snoring? Dry skin? Sleeplessness? Eczema? Inflammation? Studies continue to explore the benefits of CBD oil, the cannabis plant extract.

Ralph J. Poole: Becoming a gender-queer researcher

Professor Ralph J. Poole, University of Salzburg, opens up about his career as a gender-queer researcher, here.

Why the Armed Forces Community needs more than just money

Ray Lock, CBE and Chief Executive of Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) discusses how the present delivery systems for the transition of ex-Service personnel and their families into civilian life could be improved.

Minority discrimination linked to increased risk of psychosis

Discrimination is likely to be associated with an increased risk of psychosis, according to research by psychologists at the University of Manchester and Lancaster.

Smart Working and Loneliness – a social issue for flexible working

PLACEmaking discuss loneliness in Smart Working environments, and how to encourage social interaction for the benefit of employees

How can technology be used to support mental health in the workplace?

59% of UK adults experience stress at work, here Natasha Bougourd from TSG highlights how technology can be used to support mental health.

Are your employees affected by body image disorders?

As body image disorders continue to be on the rise, David Price, CEO of Health Assured offers advice on how to recognise if your employees are affected and how to provide support.

25% of children have a mother with mental illness

One in four UK children between the ages of 0 and 16 have a mother with a mental illness, according to a team of University of Manchester researchers.

Record number of antidepressants prescribed last year

Smart TMS, unveils exclusive research on the nation’s attitudes towards depression, mental health and its treatments.

Researchers find high self-harm rate for middle-aged men

Self-harm rates in middle-aged men increased significantly following the 2008 financial crisis, according to a study led by researchers at The University of Manchester.

Body image during pregnancy can define relationship with baby

Researchers have shown that a new way of assessing women’s relationship with their body image during pregnancy could help predict how well the mother might bond with her unborn baby and her longer-term emotional wellbeing.


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