Mark Bearn and Helen Marshall, based at Tile Hill, examine healthcare workers and their mental health, making a case for building resilience into our care systems.
In 2018 it was reported that 74% of the UK felt too overwhelmed or stressed to cope, but a year on: Which city, age and professions are the most affected by stress?
Specialist teachers for deaf children are battling stress, spiralling workloads and excessive hours as the system falls into crisis, the National Deaf Children’s Society has warned.
Dr Jo Inchley, Dr Judith Brown and Prof Daniel Smith tell us all about the valuable mental health big data research taking place at the University of Glasgow, Scotland.
Research has revealed that over a third of education professionals are expected to leave their job by 2020, highlighting the importance of teacher mental health and the need to address this crisis.
Researchers at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, have found no relationship between aggressive behaviour in teenagers and the amount of time spent playing violent video games.
The role of big data in health from the perspective of the European Commission is detailed here, as well as its potential for the future for mental health in Europe.
This 7th March marks University Mental Health Day 2019, an annual day for higher education establishments to band together and make student mental health a priority
Anju Vasudevan from McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School looks at the progressive change in thought around brain blood vessels and their direct contribution to mental health illnesses.
European Cannabis Holdings (ECH) has announced plans to open The Medical Cannabis Clinics in a step toward aiding patients living with a range of chronic conditions.
Three new subjects will be universal from 2020 to ensure school prepares pupils for the world and all children will learn about mental health - health education, relationships education and RSE.
While holistic care of students requires input from multiple stakeholders, universities are uniquely placed to lead the charge on student mental health, writes Dr. Ian Jackson, medical director, and clinical safety officer at Refero.
Jeffrey Borenstein, of the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation argues that research drives the ability to treat mental illness and why funding innovative neurobiological research is a priority.
Researchers at the University of Oxford have performed the most definitive study to date on the relationship between technology use and adolescent mental health, examining data from over 300,000 teenagers and parents in the UK and USA.