With the traditional office lease in demise, Alison White of PLACEmaking looks at what is emerging as a replacement in terms of smarter working, including the impact on people and how support services need to be repurposed
The European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have just issued their Health at a Glance: Europe 2018 joint report which looks at the state of mental health systems in EU countries
Research by Campus Living Villages has shown that more than 50% of students are at risk of running out of money before their next student loan payment.
Only 10-15% of people are self-aware in the workplace. Does this apply to you? Maddy Keating, marketing specialist at MHR discusses self-awareness, or our lack of it.
Over half of people (52%) working in the transport and logistics sector always, often or sometimes feel lonely according to new research released by the British Red Cross
Vivien Kogler and Alexander Noyon from Mannheim University of Applied Sciences investigate suicidality, the Werther effect and the role of medial presentation in this...
New research commissioned by IOSH, has shown that Mental Health First Aid training has significantly raised awareness about mental health in the workplace
People with health conditions will receive further support to manage their health conditions at work, thanks to 19 innovative projects set to receive millions in government funding
Dr Zain Sikafi, CEO and co-founder, Mynurva, discusses how common mental-ill health at work is and how it can be appropriately managed in the workplace
An increasing number of workers are placing more importance on job satisfaction and happiness rather than money and ‘a job for life’ with more of us changing jobs due to workplace unhappiness
The Health and Safety Executive has launched 'Talking Toolkit', an online resource which gives advice to employers on how to reduce work-related stress.