Thomas W. Hansen, Senior Scientist at DTU Nanolab, Technical University of Denmark details an aspect of materials science that concerns the role of nanostructures and nanoparticles in contemporary society. Much of the discussion focuses on why a fundamental property of these materials is the melting point.
Professor Jakob Birkedal Wagner, Head of Nanocharacterization Section at DTU Nanolab, Technical University of Denmark examines Nanoscale fabrication and nanoscale characterisation.
As part of the imaging of nanoscale phenomena, exploring the fundamentals of electron matter interactions to turn radiation damage into an exciting opportunity for nanotechnology is discussed here by Postdoctoral Researcher, Anna Elsukova from the Technical University of Denmark.
The National Science Foundation’s Division of Chemistry (CHE) aims to be a global leader in transforming chemical discovery and innovation, as Open Access Government finds out
Professor Jakob Birkedal Wagner, Scientific Director at the Center for Electron Nanoscopy at DTU Cen, provides an absorbing insight into gas to solid reactions that are visualised in real time, atom-by-atom
Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan shares her expertise on nanomaterials in today’s healthcare sector, including therapeutic precision versus nanotoxicology risk.