AI’s role in enhancing patient care and system capacity

Andrew Rut, CEO of the medical AI firm Metadvice, explains how Artificial Intelligence could vastly improve healthcare delivery and patient care.

How can the Government avoid yet more tech disasters?

Ritam Gandhi, Founder and Director, Studio Graphene, explains why the Government needs a startup mentality to avoid financing more tech disasters.

COVID-19 and the digital transformation of the NHS

COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation throughout the NHS – but what now for the unwanted equipment asks Carmen Ene, CEO at 3stepIT.

Has data protection become another casualty of COVID-19?

Julian Hayes and Andrew Watson of the Data Protection team at BCL Solicitors consider if data protection has become another casualty of COVID-19.

How can blockchain help in the fight against COVID-19?

René Seifert, co-founder of TrueProfile.io, discusses the role that blockchain can play in tackling the COVID-19 crisis.

Pushing forward digital transformation in healthcare

Here, we analyse the role of the NHSX in driving digital transformation when it comes to health and social care.

NHS launches accredited suppliers for electronic patient records

NHSX and NHS England have published a list of accredited suppliers of electronic patient record solutions, to give purchasers more confidence in their route to digital transformation.

NHSX: What is needed to make a real difference in the NHS?

The newly launched NHSX could bring much-needed stability but it will only make a difference in the NHS by facilitating further best practice sharing and deploying flexible, fit-for-purpose systems, says Dr Ian Jackson.


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