Nuclear Power

UK and US nuclear partnership: Furthering clean energy and advanced nuclear technology

A COP29 agreement: The United Kingdom and the United States have joined forces to accelerate the development and deployment of cutting-edge nuclear technologies.

Encouraging economic growth: Building trust and confidence in nuclear energy

The people of the USA do not feel economic growth, whatever the published indices may say. That is why they have elected Trump, a development that is unlikely to give them the growth they seek.

UK adopts UN sanctions on Iran to curb it’s nuclear advances

The UK, alongside France and Germany (E3), announces plans to adopt UN sanctions on Iran into national law, addressing concerns of nuclear program advancements.

Low-level waste repository prepares nuclear waste for final disposal

Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) is currently processing 260 containers of nuclear waste at the UK's Low-Level Waste Repository for permanent disposal

UK increases funding to Ukraine through the International Atomic Energy Agency

The UK is increasing funding to Ukraine through an extra £750,000 to support the Ukrainian government in matters of nuclear safety. Find exclusive comments from the ground in Ukraine below.

Hungary: Innovation, technology and research

Open Access Government lifts the lid on aspects of innovation, technology and research policy in Hungary, including a look at nuclear energy.

Alliance formed in G7 to push Russia from the nuclear fuel market

UK, US, Canada, Japan and France agree in the Nuclear Energy Forum to isolate Russia from the nuclear fuel market at the G7.

How does nuclear energy play a role in our lives?

Michael Good, Associate Professor, School of Sciences and Humanities, at Nazarbayev University, walks us through the topic of nuclear energy and its role in our lives.

How to shelter from a nuclear bomb

War in Ukraine and a Russian leader threatening nuclear is frightening; ever wondered how to shelter from a nuclear bomb?

Demystifying the promise of mini nuclear

Mini nuclear can be a relatively safe and fast energy alternative, but the UK government needs an efficient energy strategy to lead us to net zero when using it.

What would happen if there was a nuclear war?

A full-scale nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia would see global good systems obliterated and over 5 billion people die of hunger.

11 years on: Cancer patients sue operator for Fukushima disaster

Tokyo court hearings are underway for almost $5 million in damages, for six individuals who developed thyroid cancer as a result of the Fukushima disaster.

Scientists say solar energy better than nuclear energy on Mars

Is solar energy better than nuclear energy? Scientists say solar tech could provide all the power needed for an extended mission to Mars.

Transition to carbon neutrality cannot happen without nuclear and coal

Marcin Nowacki, Member of the EESC, Employers’ Group (Group I), charts the energy transition to carbon neutrality that cannot happen without nuclear & coal.

Sustainability & community energy transformation

Lutz Ribbe, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, shares his views on sustainability and community energy transformation.

Nuclear power: The safer and cheaper alternative to fossil fuels

Professor Anthony J. Evans from ESCP Business School discusses why nuclear energy is a potentially safer and cheaper alternative to fossil fuel.

What is the future of UK nuclear power?

Nuclear power is an integral part of the UK’s plans to transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.


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