HomeOpen Access NewsOAG 014 - May 2017

OAG 014 - May 2017

Therapies for weak muscles

Research into personalised interventions is helping pave the way for a new generation of therapies for weak muscles at the Balgrist Campus It is estimated...

Preventing Alzheimer’s disease with neuroimaging methods

Ai-Ling Lin of the Lin Brain Lab details how neuroimaging research can be used to reduce brain aging and the impact of Alzheimer’s disease

Applied nanosciences for printing technologies

Applied nanosciences offer new possibilities for printing and processing, as outlined by Prof. Dr. Silvia Schintke from Heig-VD/HES-SO Switzerland

Why yeast is fundamental for cell death research

Manuela Côrte-Real outlines how yeast can clarify the regulation of cell death pathways and provide new therapeutic strategies for human diseases

Governments must adopt an agile mind-set towards security

Fen Labalme and Robert L. Read of Agile Government Leadership, explain the role of an agile security process in highlighting and preventing security risks

Using surplus heat to create healthier environments

Surplus heat from cities and industry can help create healthier environments. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences’s Håkan Sandin explains

Demountable construction enables structural diversity

University of Luxembourg’s Prof. Dr.-Ing. Danièle Waldmann-Diederich explains how demountable construction responds to changing structural demands

The vast potential of European science and research

In a speech, Commissioner Moedas shares how the European Research Council has pushed the boundaries of discovery and helped to develop European science

Assessing soils, waters and structures

The interaction between soils, waters and structures are of great interest in the engineering sector, here Alexander Rohe from Deltares outlines why

Adverse health effects of hazardous asbestos waste

Hazardous asbestos waste causes serious problems in communities in the U.S., Ian A Blair, Penn Superfund Research and Training Program Center details

Ensuring the preservation of biodiversity in Finland

Petri Ahlroth, Director of the Natural Environment Centre, Finnish Environment Institute explains why it is important to protect biodiversity in Finland

Understanding microbial pathogenicity requires holistic analyses

The Institute of Hygiene, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster highlights the changes in microbal pathogenicity

Identifying novel biomarkers for drug-induced kidney injury

The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) explain how SAFE-T DIKI is advancing research into drug-induced kidney injury

Climate services – shaping a growing market

Climate services is a growing sector where market opportunities and ways towards operationalisation are being explored. Prof Dr Daniela Jacob explains

Nanoscale imaging research: Why is it useful?

The Center for Electron Nanoscopy’s Professor Jakob Birkedal Wagner highlights the strides being made in nanoscale imaging research

Uterine fibroids: Where is research heading?

Uterine fibroids represent a prevalent benign gynaecologic problem in the U.S, here Romana A. Nowak of the University of Illinois explains

Endocrine disrupting chemicals: From feeds to hormones

Alberto Mantovani and Chiara Frazzoli, scientists of the Italian National Health Institute, discuss the role of endocrine disrupting chemicals in feed-food chains


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