HomeOpen Access NewsOAG 020 - October 2018

OAG 020 - October 2018

Molecular science: The importance of sustainable manufacturing of chiral amines

Francesco Mutti, Professor of Biocatalysis at the University of Amsterdam’s Van’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) highlights an aspect of molecular science that concerns the sustainable manufacturing of chiral amines.

Why governments must do more to help people with diabetes and their families

Professor Nam H. Cho, President of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) explains why governments across the world could and should do more to help people with diabetes and their families.

Rett syndrome: Research on severe neurodevelopmental disorders

Jennifer J. McComas from the University of Minnesota discusses the current evidence for communication intervention for individuals with Rett syndrome

Mental Health Europe explores Europe’s ability to face challenges in mental health

Claudia Marinetti, Director from Mental Health Europe gauges if Europe can meet the emerging challenges around mental health.

New recycling project could ensure that no plastic is left behind

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive of Zero Waste Scotland sheds light on a new recycling project which aims to ensure that no plastic is left behind.

Why thousands of people with asthma could be missing out on life-changing treatment

Asthma UK’s recent report explores the barriers to life-changing treatment for people with uncontrolled asthma, as Joe Farrington-Douglas, Head of Policy and External Affairs at Asthma UK explains.

Combatting climate change: Microbial diversity and biomass issues in the North

Dr Taina Pennanen and Dr Hannu Fritze from Natural Resources Institute Finland share their thoughts on microbial diversity and biomass issues in the north in terms of combatting climate change in the North of our planet.

Providing a comprehensive response to the UK’s national security

John Wright, Global Director of Public Safety & Justice at Unisys shares his thoughts on how UK government policy helps to provide a comprehensive response to the country’s national security.

UK managers feel their gender or age hinders confidence in the workplace

Half of UK managers feel their gender or age has diminished colleagues’ confidence in them and women are five times more likely to feel that their gender hinders confidence in them in the workplace 

BRoTHER: A network for digitalisation in biobanking to promote personalised medicine

Christoph Brochhausen(1), Judita Kinkorova(2), Karl-Friedrich Becker(3), Dalibor Valik(4), Ondrej Topolcan(2)detail the marvellous work of BRoTHER, a network for digitalisation in biobanking to promote the use of personalised medicine

Machine learning: An unexplored horizon in Arctic science

Joseph Cook, Vice President of the UK Polar Network (UKPN) Committee explores why machine learning is an unexplored horizon in Arctic science.

Establishing a European Energy Union

Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President, Energy Union at European Commission speaks to Open Access Government about establishing a European Energy Union and the importance of all Europeans having access to secure, affordable and climate-friendly energy

The EU: The undisputed global leader in open and fair trade

David Martin MEP, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament argues that the EU is now the undisputed global leader in open and fair trade

Why funding fruit fly research is essential for the biomedical sciences

Andreas Prokop, Head of the Manchester Fly Facility, explains how fruit fly research generates knowledge important for understanding many human diseases

Lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet – costing the EU billions of euros and millions of lives annually

Professor Joep Perk, Former President of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (part of the European Society of Cardiology, ESC) and member of the ESC Advocacy Committee shares his views on the growing problem of cardiovascular disease and why public health measures are needed to tackle it effectively

Electricity is the new oil: Digitalisation and the world’s energy system

Dr Christoph Frei, Secretary General of the World Energy Council discusses the impact of digitalisation on the future of the energy system and argues that electricity is the new oil

Renewable energy promotion: From wind to green gas

The Horizon 2020 project STORE&GO focuses on the remarkable potential of power-to-gas and synthetic methane as forms of renewable energy


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