HomeOpen Access NewsOAG 027 - July 2020

OAG 027 - July 2020

Pro-poor policy: What is the role of aspirations failure?

Sayantan Ghosal, Adam Smith Chair in Political Economy, discusses an often-overlooked policy question: What is the relationship between aspiration failure and the continuation of poverty?

Achieving net-zero carbon emissions with electric vehicles and charging points

Andrew White, Managing Associate, UK & European Patent Attorney at Mathys & Squire, argues that widespread adoption of electronic vehicles are key to achieving net-zero carbon emissions.

PusH: Precarious Housing in Europe, pushing for innovation in higher education

Here, Gideon Bolt (Utrecht University) and Sybille Münch (Leuphana University) introduce the Erasmus+ project PusH and the issue of precarious housing, particularly in higher education.

The tomato crop: Are biostimulants the way ahead to increase yield and productivity?

Aarthi Janakiraman, Research Manager, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, ponders if biostimulants are the way ahead to increase the yield and productivity of the tomato crop.

Are microplastics in the Pantanal a threat to humans?

The question of whether microplastics in the Pantanal, South America, are a threat to humans is explored here in detail by Pierre Girard, PhD.1, 2, Érika de Faria, PhD (in progress)2, and Andressa C. Moreschi PhD (in progress)2.

Production of biofuels exhibiting a net negative CO2 footprint

Learn how Chemical Looping Gasification has a high potential for sustainable and economic production of biofuels from biogenic residues.

Strategic academic recruitment research: A proactive recruitment model

Dr Jouni Kekäle, Human Resources Director from the University of Eastern Finland, walks us through strategic academic recruitment research, including the proactive recruitment model.

EU and UK compliance with the novel food application for CBD isolate

Christian Hendriksen, VP of International Expansion at Mile High Labs, illustrates how they are continuing compliance with the novel food application to ensure safe and effective cannabinoids can be available to all.

Galvanising the scientific community towards a common goal during a pandemic

Jane Kinghorn, Director at UCL Translational Research Office and Nick McNally, Managing Director Research UCL/UCLH, describe some of the approaches taken by the scientific community in supporting hospitals dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Changing workplace landscape: How the COVID-19 pandemic has altered our way of working

Here, PLACEmaking assess what the post-pandemic workplace will look like, as organisations have been forced to become much more adaptable.

Digital Innovation: It’s what keeps the world going ‘round

Here, Alun Foster, Head of Plans and Dissemination at ECSEL JU, highlights the key role that Digital Innovation plays in society, now more than ever during the world’s environmental and pandemic crises.

Re-imagining our urban future in light of COVID-19

Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General, EUROCITIES enlightens us on the salient points when it comes to re-imagining our urban future in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pyroptotic cell death: Controlled self-destruct that causes inflammation and disease

Associate Professor Petr Broz discusses pyroptotic cell death, the controlled cellular explosion that can harm your health.

Phase III: The future of Taiwan wind farm block development

Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University and from Global Aqua Survey Ltd, walks us through the future of Taiwan wind farm block development.

Artificial intelligence robot to support group discussion with pupils

Here, Takahira Yamaguchi from Keio University in Japan explores how an artificial intelligence robot works as part of a group discussion at a primary school.

Enhancing crop diversification to support transitions towards sustainable agri-food systems

Antoine Messéan, Research Manager and Lise Paresys, Scientific Officer for the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment in France, walk us through what we need to know about enhancing crop diversification to support transitions to sustainable agri-food systems.

Reviving the UK’s local economies in light of COVID-19

Gordon Mole, Head of Business and Employability at Fife Council and a Director of the Institute of Economic Development, shares his thoughts on reviving the UK’s local economies in light of COVID-19.


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