Dr Lucy Viney, Clinical Psychologist and Co-Founder of the Fitzrovia Psychology Clinic underlines the importance of building psychological resilience in children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr Yuri Yamazaki from the Faculty of Regional Environmental Science at Tokyo University of Agriculture, describes encountering cows in forests and urges us to think about the sustainable future of livestock.
Shin Sugiyama, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University provides an exciting analysis of freshwater calving glaciers and lakes in Patagonia.
Here, we explore just some of the many areas covered by Hungary’s Economy Protection Action Plan, put in place to ensure a strong future for innovation and technology in Hungary.
Katri Huitu and Kati Lassila-Perini from Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland, chart open science in the making including a short overview of related accelerator research expertise in Finland.
Ann G. Matthysse, Professor of Biology from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill provides an informative introduction to E. coli and diarrheal disease.
Shin Sugiyama, Institute of Low Temperature Science from Hokkaido University provides a fascinating look at the mass loss of the Antarctic ice sheet driven by ice-ocean interaction.
Dr Lucy Chambers, Head of Research Communications at Diabetes UK, provides us with her thoughts on COVID-19 and diabetes, in terms of what do we (not) know.
Alison Pritchard, Interim Director General, Government Digital Service comments that digital accessibility is transforming government to meet user needs.
Insight into the emerging bioeconomy, is provided here by Michael Berube, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy.