Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) discusses here how innovative climate service products can help inform climate adaptation and mitigation, particularly within the agricultural sector.
Here, Lisa Riley, Vice President of Strategic Product and Partnership Development for the VitalHub group of companies in the UK, assesses how integrated digital healthcare is helping to transform the NHS.
Here Yourgene Health, a molecular diagnostics company with products and technologies that enable precision medicine in oncology from bench to clinic, discuss genetic testing - or more specifically, pharmacogenomics.
Here, we find out about Yourgene Health, a molecular diagnostics company with products and technologies that enable precision medicine in oncology from bench to clinic.
Here, we learn why Horizon 2020 project LEE-BED is currently Europe’s one stop shop for printed and embedded electronics services and infrastructure access.
The University of Bath’s Centre for Sustainable and Circular Technologies (CSCT) with Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership (SWLEP) launches a major new innovation hub, bringing together core partners in academia and industry to accelerate the UK’s transition to net-zero carbon emissions.
Dr Rutger Zietsma – CEO at Manus Neurodynamica Ltd – and PD Dr Angela Deutschländer share their vision on earlier diagnosis and objective symptom tracking with the NeuroMotor PenTM.
As your specialist in Acute Care, Draeger Medical UK Ltd is focused on providing protective therapy solutions in the operating room, intensive care unit and neonatal intensive care unit. The aim has always been to improve clinical outcomes and reduce risks in acute care; which has never been truer than in the time of a global pandemic.
Here, Professor Kouji Takeda and others discuss the NODAI A-STEM Education project, which looks at the impact of biological pigments as teaching material.
Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has stressed the importance of being a world leader in science and technology. Here, Open Access Government look into why this is the case.
The UPSCALE project aims to achieve food security in sub-Saharan Africa by using nature-based solutions inspired by push-pull technology to close the yield gap in smallholder agriculture.
For The Health Improvement Project for Teens (HIPTeens), our purpose is simple: Helping teens, including those with intellectual/developmental disabilities, reach their potential through robust research and practical application reducing sexual risk and building resilience.
We spoke to Elica M. Moss from Alabama A&M University to profile her research on disproportionate air pollution exposure in African-American communities with the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice.