HomeOpen Access NewsOAG 032 - October 2021

OAG 032 - October 2021

TED Gen: The Combined heat and power revolution

Here, TED Generation (TED Gen) explains how to improve the economic and environmental future of your business – using Combined heat and power (CHP) to decrease energy costs and rewrite carbon footprints.

Determining energy expenditure

Professor Kjell Hausken at the University of Stavanger discusses his research into energy expenditure through combining different types of exercise classes.

Decrease jet installation noise (DJINN)

CFD-Berlin talk us through the Horizon 2020 Decrease jet installation noise (DJINN) project which aims to reduce aircraft noise pollution.

We’re in a race on climate and major cities are leading

Angie Fyfe, Executive Director of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability USA, discusses how thousands of stakeholders are mobilising ahead of COP26.

Technology procurement for the public sector

Crown Commercial Service turns the spotlight on technology procurement, underlining what the public sector must know about new Memorandums of Understanding.

Supporting the European Citizens’ Initiative

Kinga Joó, President of the EESC ad hoc Group on the Citizens' Initiative, enlightens us on the role of the organisation in supporting the European Citizens’ Initiative.

Benchmarking Regulatory systems governing veterinary medicines – part 3

Rick Clayton, Technical Director, AnimalhealthEurope, in the final chapter of this three-part series, examines the benefits of benchmarking regulatory systems and promoting Good Regulatory Practice.

Climate change & the great humanitarian challenges

Climate change is behind all of the great humanitarian challenges. We must do more to combat it, argues Aamir Mumtaz, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme Manager at Human Appeal Pakistan.

Enabling ‘full lifecycle’ technology for the public sector

Crown Commercial Service explains how the Technology Services 3 update enables ‘full lifecycle’ technology services for the public sector.

Providing Food: The answer lies in the soil

David Green, Executive Director, The U.S. Sustainability Alliance, explains how the soil holds the answer to feeding the world.

Controlling Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Disease in East Africa

Experts Leena Tripathi, Jaindra Nath Tripathi and Richard Goodman, provide a compelling analysis of controlling Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Disease in East Africa.

COVID-19: Challenges of vaccination logistics

The challenges of vaccination logistics during the COVID-19 pandemic are charted in this updated view, written by Zisis Kozlakidis and John Litaker.

National Procurement Policy Statement

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) tells us what we need to know about the UK’s National Procurement Policy Statement.

New mosquito control tools are critical

Leo Braack, Malaria Consortium’s Senior Vector Control Specialist, recounts the ongoing battle against vector-borne diseases and shares why the need for new mosquito control tools has become critical.

Carbon net-zero: Responding with electrical vehicles

Sheila Thomas, Decarbonisation Commercial Lead at Crown Commercial Service, looks at five ways to make electrical vehicles part of your response when it comes to achieving carbon net-zero.

The risks of using alcohol-based hand sanitiser

Dr Deborah Lee from Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, reveals the risks of using alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

Support health workers with digital health training

Liz Ashall-Payne, Founding CEO of ORCHA, discusses why we must support frontline health workers with world-class digital health training.


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