HomeOpen Access NewsOAG 034 - April 2022

OAG 034 - April 2022

Energy storage to facilitate the UK’s solar revolution

BELECTRIC is one of Europe’s leading EPC service providers in the development, construction, and operation of solar power plants. With more than 23 years of experience, the company is leading the way in solar and battery storage solutions. Louis Green of BELECTRIC’s UK subsidiary provides insight on the UK’s second Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA).

Mental Health First Aid: A resource for trauma-informed care in rural Texas

Lakshmi Mahadevan from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service describes the increasing need for Mental Health First Aid in rural areas.

Ransomware & zero-day threats: Backup evolving

Jeremy Wyatt, Operations Director at FCS, explains how backup is evolving to aid recovery from ransomware and zero-day threats.

Is the post pandemic hybrid workplace supporting the ‘levelling-up’ agenda?

Alison White, co-founder workplace designers and change advisers PLACEmaking, discusses the shift in our mentality towards a work-life balance post pandemic 

Delivering Customer Experience Digital Transformation Quickly

Chris Merricks from CX Consultants outlines some simple steps you can take to deliver your customer experience digital transformation quickly

The Triassic World: An analogue of the 6th mass extinction?

The REEFCADE long-term research project, created and driven by Professor Rossana Martini, started in 2007 and has since been supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

How do we enable energy transition in buildings?

Pavol Bodis, Technical Coordinator at TNO, says that getting energy independent buildings is an EU priority for electricity infrastructures

Chasing climate-ready glutinous rice for food security in Thailand and Laos

Professor Apichart Vanavichit, Director of the Rice Science Center offers insight into how the next generation of glutinous rice varieties are critical to food security in Thailand and Laos.

How can innovation help turn climate emergency declarations into real actions?

Dr Xander Wang is leading the Climate Smart Lab to innovate smart technologies supporting climate change adaptation at regional and local scales

The value of nature

Recognising the complex, closely intertwined relationships between humans and nature can lead to better, more cost-effective decisions, outlines Susan Canney, Director of the Mali Elephant Project.

Are animal CBD products safe?

Suzette Smiley-Jewell, PhD & Pamela J. Lein, PhD from the University of California, Davis, explore the extent to which animal CBD products are safe

Improving mental wellbeing through a healthy diet

Jeanette C. Mostert & Alejandro Arias Vasquez from the Departments of Genetics and Psychiatry at Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands, lift the lid on improving mental wellbeing through a healthy diet

Contribution of computational methods to catalyst development

Prof Masahiro Kamitani at Kitasato University explains recent contributions of computational analyses in the development of homogeneous catalysts

The burden of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures on physicians and patients

The importance of increasing awareness of nonepileptic spells among physicians, patients, families and the general public

Amyloidosis: A rare but devastating blood condition

Dr Peter Diamond, Head of Research from the Leukaemia Foundation, describes what we need to know about amyloidosis, a rare but devastating blood condition

A history of medicolegal death investigation and forensic pathology

Victor W. Weedn, MD, JD, Former Chief Medical Examiner at the Maryland Department of Health offers fascinating insights into the history of medicolegal death investigation and origins of forensic pathology

The time is right to prioritise eye health research

Keith Valentine, Chief Executive of Fight for Sight, explains why eye health research needs to be on the political agenda.


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