HomeOpen Access NewsOAG 036 - October 2022

OAG 036 - October 2022

Shell Fleet Solutions: Four steps to decarbonize fleets

Here, we learn about Shell Fleet Solutions, one of the global leaders in business mobility, including why public sector fleets need to decarbonise Shell Fleet...

What is the key to successful innovation in the NHS?

PinPoint Data Science Executive Chair, Dr Nigel Sansom, reflects on his experience of developing innovation in the NHS.

Rethinking cancer as a molecular and cellular ecosystem

Sean Lawler, Associate Professor at Brown University pursues an understanding of cancer through the lens of the molecular and cellular ecosystem and natural selection.

Castle Hill Hospital solar field: The Photo Voltaic Power Station

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust recently opened its 5MW Photo Voltaic Power Station (solar field) at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham, East Yorkshire.

The EU’s role in global cooperation for public health

The Covid-19 pandemic and emerging threats such as Monkeypox have demonstrated the need for global cooperation on public health.

European bio-based industries leading the green transition

Nicoló Giacomuzzi-Moore, Executive Director ad interim at CBE JU – Circular Bio‐based Europe Joint Undertaking, explains how European bio-based industries are leading the green transition.

Data structures for quantum computing

Robert Wille, a Professor at the Technical University of Munich and Software Competence Center, discusses the key to data structures when solving quantum computing problems.

European brain research: Addressing translational gaps

Sabine Hölter, Coordinator of the European Brain Research Area cluster PREMOS, calls attention to the translational value of animal models in brain research.

Help businesses set carbon reduction targets

Aditya Kumar, Director of Product Management at Honeywell Building Technologies, details how companies can meet the Government’s net-zero goals using carbon reduction and management software.

Integrating ecosystems in the Water-Food-Energy Nexus for greater sustainability

Sasha Koo-Oshima & Virginie Gillet from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/ UN-Water, reveal their thoughts on integrating ecosystems in the Water-Food-Energy Nexus for greater sustainability.

The UK’s oral health needs levelling up

Balika Reddy, Dentist at Harley Street Specialist Hospital, argues that the UK’s oral health is a postcode lottery and is in dire need of...

AI in healthcare can help save time & brain

Mark Hitchman, Managing Director of Canon Medical Systems UK, explains why AI in healthcare can deliver time efficiencies & better standards of care for patients.

Modelling the Ionosphere response to the Tonga Volcanic Eruption

Joseph Huba, Vice President at Syntek Technologies looks at the Tonga Volcanic Eruption and results from a high-resolution simulation of the event to model the Ionosphere response.

Rethinking the serious leisure perspective

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, urges us to rethink the serious leisure perspective.

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Are you prepared?

Martin Roots, Managing Director at the Expede Group, discusses cybersecurity awareness, walking us through different cyber attacks and how to prevent them efficiently.

Reducing falls and fractures with low-intensity vibration

MyBones explores the relationship between falls and fractures, and the importance of preventative care.

Egypt’s priorities as COP27 president

30 years on from the adoption of the UNFCCC, Egypt will take on the role of COP27 president with a pledge to turn words into action on climate change.


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