Sharing the experience of working with an NHS Foundation Trust, Firstserv’s Sebastian Tyc emphasises how managed services and cloud hosting are critical in the fight against public sector cybercrime.
Chris Norman, the VP of Healthcare at Elcom highlights some of the issues hospitals and operating theatres are having with increasing patient safety and cutting costs.
Jenni Black, Nature Transformation Lead at the World Benchmarking Alliance, argues that we must hold businesses accountable for protecting and restoring nature.
Mike Braithwaite, Managing Director at MDB, walks us through bridging the UK innovation gap, focussing on G-Cloud & the challenges around public and private sector collaboration.
Professor Robert Wille at the Technical University of Munich and the Software Competence Center Hagenberg discusses when quantum computing applications and knowledge are required – and, when not.
Paul Sommerfeld, Executive Trustee, TB Alert and Chair, TB Europe Coalition, walks us through tackling tuberculosis. We hear that while there are continuing problems, there are finally grounds for optimism.
Charlina Vitcheva, Director-General, DG MARE, European Commission, describes a holistic approach to the sustainable use of ocean resources, thriving coastal communities and a profitable fishing sector.
Michael Wuestefeld-Gray, the Managing Director at WuDo Solutions, explains the framework needed to generate effective Information Governance for organisations.
Dr Gerard Sinovich, Lead Pain Specialist, provides an in-depth commentary on behalf of Cantourage Clinic concerning what we need to know about opioids and opioid dependence.
Marc Hoogstad, Head of Product Management at Finworks discusses removing data silos, implementing automation and gaining access to real-time data to encourage trusted data in government.
Abbas Kanani, Superintendent Pharmacist at Chemist Click Online Pharmacy, walks us through what we need to know about living with diabetes, starting with a comment on prediabetes.
Sarah Woolnough, Chief Executive of Asthma + Lung UK, explains which towns and cities are trying to tackle air pollution, reducing the dirty air that causes issues for millions of people with lung conditions.
Chris Caton, product director – Commercial, at Ideal Heating, explains the impact that three low and zero-carbon heating technologies could have on decarbonising public sector buildings.
Chirag Karnik, Founder and Director at Neyo Ltd, guides us through IT solutions and Operations Management, and his vision for the future of the company.