
Excess weight gain in early pregnancy could be linked to fetal fat accumulation

A recent study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) shows that excessive weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy may contribute to increased fat accumulation in the fetus, particularly in the abdominal area and upper arms.

Fitness providers support the government’s new childhood obesity strategy

According to latest research, nearly a third of children today aged two to 15 are classed as overweight or obese and younger generations are experiencing childhood obesity at earlier ages.

Type 2 diabetes: Progressing novel scientific insight into new medicine

The gap in the long process of progressing a novel scientific insight into a new medicine is often called “the valley of death”. Read below to understand how the strategic alliance between University of Oxford and Novo Nordisk is aiming to combat type 2 diabetes by bridging this gap.

The challenge facing patients with ‘Diabesity’

Chester Medical school shed light on the link between obesity and diabetes, the challenge facing patients with ‘Diabesity’ and the research contribution of the school in solving this problem

Tackling the root cause of Type 2 diabetes: Obesity

Kristoffer From, CEO of Liva Healthcare and Simon Pickup, UK Managing Director at Liva Healthcare share their thoughts on why obesity is key to tackling the root cause of Type 2 diabetes

Can leisure centres hold the key to success for rehabilitation?

Ellen Rowles from Action PR highlights how local community leisure centres play a key role in rehabilitation and ease the burden on GPs A growing...

Reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases in Finland

Minister of Social Affairs and Health in Finland, Pirkko Mattila explains how she aims to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases in Finland Finland has...

Tackling the UK’s obesity epidemic

Professor Russell Viner from the Royal College of Paediatrics shares his thoughts on the UK Government’s strategy to tackle the UK’s obesity epidemic

New plans to reduce childhood obesity in the UK unveiled

An investment of £5 million has been announced by the Department of Health for a new childhood obesity policy research unit The new unit at...

Reducing the prevalence of childhood obesity in Finland

Childhood obesity can cause major health problems in later life. Open Access Government highlights how Finland is tackling the growing health challenge

Obesity, liver cancer, metastasis: Future consequences for Europe

Mathias Heikenwälder at the German Cancer Research Center warns of the impact of modern lifestyles and the obesity epidemic on liver cancer and metastasis Alterations...

The obesity epidemic and cancer: A disaster in the making?

IARC’s Véronique Terrasse highlights the link between the growing obesity epidemic and cancer in countries around the world, with some alarming statistics The obesity epidemic...

An ounce of prevention, a pound of cure: What makes successful obesity policies?

Philip Sherman, Mary-Jo Makarchuk and Keeley Rose at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, highlight the need for research to inform successful obesity policies Obesity...

Promoting sustainable healthy lifestyles with a holistic and multidisciplinary approach

The PEGASO project is helping address the global obesity epidemic by promoting change towards sustainable healthy lifestyles, as Renata Guarneri describes The increasing prevalence of...

Obesity in children: Government needs to do more

The current strategy will not be enough to tackle overweight and obesity in children, insists Professor Neena Modi, President of RCPCH This time last year...

Be Food Smart app to help with healthier choices for kids

The Be Food Smart app, Public Health England’s latest Change4Life campaign, aims to help parents make healthier food and drink choices for their children Following...

WHO’s European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015-2020

Programme Manager João Breda explains the likely repercussions of the WHO’s European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015-2020 With the unanimous adoption of the World...


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