Offshore Wind

UK government supports Scotland’s floating offshore wind industry with £55 million grant

The Port of Cromarty Firth in Scotland is expected to become a major hub for the UK's floating offshore wind sector due to a £55 million investment from the UK government.

Norway celebrates milestone in offshore wind energy development

Norway has reached a significant milestone in its journey towards renewable energy with the signing of a groundbreaking contract for the Sørlige Nordsjø II offshore wind project.

GreenerTower: Using sustainable steel to make offshore wind farms cleaner

The new GreenerTower revealed by Siemens Gamesa is to be built out of more sustainable steel, allowing the green transition for offshore wind to move even faster.

Ireland could become European leader in renewable energy production

Ian O’Hora, Head of Green Economy at IDA Ireland, discusses renewable energy production and exports, and how Ireland is gradually excelling in its climate action strategies.

Offshore wind energy in Taiwan

Simon Faulkner, Country Manager/Lead Project Manager at Wood Thilsted, sheds light on offshore wind energy in Taiwan.

Uncrewed survey vehicles for offshore wind farm surveys

Experts from Global Aqua Survey & Sulmara Subsea chart a paradigm shift towards the use of uncrewed survey vehicles (USVs) for offshore wind farm surveys, beginning with comment on innovation & autonomy.

How is the UK cleaning up its energy?

Open Access Government discuss UK Energy Policy and the priorities that the Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP has set out for 2021 in his new role as Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Towards an energy transition

Neil Gordon, Chief Executive of Subsea UK, charts the move towards energy transition, green energy and the ultimate goal of net-zero, including comment on the burgeoning Asia-Pacific market.

Is the tide turning in favour of tidal power?

The UK government estimates that tidal power could meet around 20% of our electricity demands, an amount which could change the dynamics of energy in this country.

How is extensive research informing EU policy-making?

Megan Warrender, Assistant Editor at Open Access Government, investigates the current and future policy priorities of the Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, and what is influencing them.

European Commission pledges 60GW offshore wind capacity by 2030

The Commission has proposed a specific goal for their ambitions of climate neutrality by 2050, which is bringing offshore wind capacity up to 60GW by 2030.

Types of marine geohazards investigated in offshore wind farm construction

Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University walks us through types of marine geohazards investigated in offshore wind farm construction.

Energy policy: Reliable, affordable, and clean

Open Access Government explores the priorities of the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy for ensuring that the UK has secure energy supplies that are reliable, affordable, and clean.

Wind Turbine Foundation inspection using Coda Octopus 3_D Echoscope

Global Aqua Survey Limited discuss their work relating to wind turbine installations on Taiwan's coast, employing their expertise in sonar equipment.

The development and future of offshore wind power in Taiwan

Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University and from Global Aqua Survey Ltd, details the current development and future of offshore wind power in Taiwan.

Ultra-high reflection seismic survey before offshore wind farm construction

Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University, explains research taking place concerning ultra-high reflection seismic survey before offshore wind farm construction.

Global Aqua Survey Ltd assist with offshore wind power construction

Making waves with offshore wind power in Taiwan, Global Aqua Survey Ltd discuss their involvement in the construction project which is fast taking shape.


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