In a study published in the European Heart Journal, researchers reveal that babies conceived through assisted reproductive technology, such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF), face a significantly higher risk of being born with congenital heart defects.
Here, we highlight how parents can continue to encourage children into STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects during lockdown and beyond.
Lucinda Holliday, partner and head of family and divorce law at Blaser Mills Law, offers advice to parents who find themselves unable to meet their child or spousal financial commitments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lucinda Holliday, head of family & divorce at Blaser Mills Law, provides guidance to separated parents when deciding whether their child should continue face-to-face contact with both parents throughout the coronavirus lockdown.
Due to COVID-19, there has been an explosion of online tuition but there is a crucial need for more stringent regulatory practices in order to safeguard students and parents. David McCarthy, Director of Education at Sophia Technologies, discusses here.
Stuart Snape, Managing Partner, Graham Coffey & Co. Solicitors, provides his expert thoughts on the importance of online security and privacy for children under 13, including the key role parents play in this vein.
Han-Son Lee, founder of Daddilife, discusses the mental health challenges that many modern day dads experience in the workplace as a result of the stress of trying to balance work and family life.
Simon Carter, Marketing and Propositions Director at RM Education, offers advice on how teachers and parents can safeguard children when using the internet.
Researchers at the University of Cambridge found that unsatisfied mothers having a difficult time with their male partners talk more to their babies, only if the child is a boy.
Councils across England will receive a funding boost to deliver free childcare places, enabling parents to work more flexibly and supporting children’s early development.
Here, Rachel Hall, Managing Director of Busy Things, discusses how mindfulness can benefit your child’s education and how you can try it with them at home.
An online tutoring agency has surveyed more than 2,000 parents to find out how many children are offered grade bribes to do well in their academic exams.
Victoria Syvret, family law solicitor, explains what the Special Guardianship Order system is like in the UK and things that people don't realise about the financial situation.