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Physical Activity

Physical activity linked to improved sleep quality for older adults

A recent systematic review led by researchers from Santa Catarina State University (UDESC) in Brazil has revealed the connection between physical activity (PA) and sleep quality in older adults who experienced social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The cognitive benefits of physical activity: Exploring the brain-exercise connection

We discuss the impact of exercise on mental health and wellbeing with representatives of the American Psychological Association’s Division 47.

Combining mindfulness and exercise for a happier 2024

Many seek ways to improve their physical and mental well-being as the New Year begins; but how can mindfulness give you the motivation you need to exercise.

Daily exercise linked to prolonged life in inoperable lung cancer

A life-extending link has been discovered between minimum physical activity and inoperable lung cancer.

WHO’s global action plan aims to boost worldwide physical activity

WHO's Global Action Plan 2018-2030 calls for a comprehensive approach to increase physical activity worldwide to reduce inactivity by 15% by 2030, supported by the ACTIVE toolkit for policy implementation.

Pupil size predicts prefrontal function boost from light exercise

Researchers in Tsukuba, Japan, have found that changes in pupil size during light exercise can predict improved prefrontal executive function.

Running keeps adult-born neurons wired and boosts memory

Florida Atlantic University and CINVESTAV, Mexico City, conducted a ground-breaking study exploring the effects of long-term running on a network of adult-born neurons.

Could studying African killifish be the secret cure to sarcopenia?

The Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) at Monash University suggests that muscle wasting, known as sarcopenia, may be reversed in late-life.

Local authorities funded £200 million for cycling and walking schemes

The government is funding local authorities across the UK for cycling and walking schemes, to promote healthy travel and carbon emission reduction.

What are the physical health benefits of cold water therapy?

Coldwater therapy means exposing the body to cold temperatures by immersing the body in cold water. This might be by cold water swimming or taking cold water showers or baths.

Peripheral neuropathy: Tracking gait and biomarkers to keep feet healthy and whole

Novel smart insole solution helps people with diabetes ensure foot health, by preventing peripheral neuropathy ulcers and falls.

The ‘night owl’ sleep cycle is more likely to induce type 2 diabetes

Depending on your sleep cycle, whether you’re an early bird or a night owl can make a huge difference in your physical health.

How do diet plans affect your health and weight loss?

Searching for a diet plan and advice online can lead to unreliable health sources, so here are six different diets and their advantages and disadvantages.

Unusual signs and symptoms of raised cholesterol

Many people only become aware for the first time that they have a high cholesterol level, only when they are admitted to hospital with a heart attack.

True or false? Can we improve mental health through diet and physical activity

Unravelling the short-term effects of diet and physical activity on their ability to improve mental health – the Eat2beNICE APPetite study.

Impact of teleworking in health, wellness & well-being

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, describes the impact of teleworking in health, wellness & well-being, beginning with the implications of this in pandemic & post-pandemic scenarios.

Lockdown creativity: Free time has a positive correlation with creative activities

COVID-19 lockdown creativity, blooming visibly online, demonstrated a positive correlation between free time and creative activities.


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