
Finland signs Artemis Accords joining the collaborative space exploration effort

In a significant development for international space cooperation, Finland has signed the Artemis Accords, becoming the 53rd nation to join the program.

Low-cost high-productivity space science from Japan

NAOJ Director General Saku Tsuneta provides an overview of Japan’s involvement in space science.

What is Astrophysics?

Daniele Malafarina, Associate Professor from Nazarbayev University, School of Sciences and Humanities, unpacks astrophysics for us.

Gas from post-starburst galaxies found in plain sight

Researchers discover rather than expelling it, post-starburst galaxies condense their gas - but the question is, why?

Understanding Jupiter’s Galilean moon and shimmering auroral footprints

Scientists discover clues about what causes Jupiter’s auroral footprints and shimmering lights in space.

Hubble Space Telescope finds most distant star ever documented

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope reveals the most distant star ever documented - it took the light from Earendel 12.9 billion years to reach Earth.

Rotating Lepton Model: Coupling relativity, quantum mechanics and neutrinos for the synthesis of matter

Professor Costas Vayenas and his coworkers Dionysios Tsousis and Dimitrios Grigoriou, discuss how using special relativity to study neutrino motion at fm distances leads to Bohr type models with relativistic gravity as the attractive force.

Classical simulation of quantum circuits

Robert Wille, Professor at the Technical University of Munich and CSO at the Software Competence Center, Hagenberg, considers the classical simulation of quantum circuits

One in five LGBT+ physicists experience exclusionary behaviour

LGBT+ physicists face exclusionary behaviours that can lead to a change of field - with 15% of early career scientists identifying as LGBT+, what could this mean for the future?

ATTRACT as a funding experiment for innovation (3/4)

In two previous pieces from the October 2021 and January 2022 issues of Open Access Government, we have elaborated on how to extend the ATTRACT experiment into a sustainable tool for accelerating breakthrough innovation across Europe.

The fundamentals of quantum computing

Martin Lukac, Associate Professor from School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, Nazarbayev University, discusses the fundamentals of quantum computing

Scientists find new type of star covered with carbon and oxygen

A group of astronomers from the University of La Plata and Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics found a new type of star - covered in the by-product of helium burning.

US funds $18 million for particle accelerator technology

The US Department of Energy will fund $18 million for research on particle accelerator technology.

Cosmology & astrophysics – what they are & why we might be interested

Dr John Yardley, Founder and CEO of Threads Software Limited, shares his enthusiasm for cosmology and astrophysics, considering what they are and why we might be interested in them.

Being in extreme conditions: Hot pressurised liquid carbon unveiled

Emiliano Principi, Senior Scientist of the FERMI free electron laser facility, explains recent advances in the study of carbon driven to extreme temperatures and pressures through intense ultrashort laser light shots.

Quasicrystals research

Here, Professor of Physics Zbigniew M. Stadnik at the University of Ottawa, explores research into the unusual physical properties and potential applications of Quasicrystals.

Looking through time with the James Webb Space telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope has arrived at its new home and is preparing to calibrate its mirrors and start collecting data on the universe


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