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Plastic Pollution

Curbing plastic pollution: The EU’s commitment to a global plastics treaty

The EU is determined to tackle plastic pollution with the final negotiations for the global treaty to start.

Microplastics in water: How much are we drinking in a month?

New research has unveiled the quantity of microplastics in water that are consumed by humans on a monthly basis.

The environment: A focus on deposit return schemes to increase recycling

Rebecca Pow MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs in the UK, states the case for real change when it comes to the environment, including introducing deposit return schemes to increase recycling and clamp down on litter.

The plastic crisis: What’s the big deal with microplastics?

Pamela J. Lein, PhD, Professor at the University of California, Davis, sheds light on the plastic crisis and explains what the big deal is with microplastics.

European consumers willing to pay more for reduced plastic packaging

Six in ten (62%) European consumers say they would be willing to put their money where their mouth is and pay more for food products that contain less plastic packaging.

Asking the question: Are Microplastics a Macro Problem?

Pamela J. Lein, PhD, Professor at the University of California, Davis, discusses the issue around microplastics and what we actually know.

Six conservation success stories of 2019

When nature is eroding and ecosystems are coming under increasing stress, it can seem like the only reaction is despair: However, there are also inspiring conservation success stories from 2019.

The unrested epidemic: A fast fashion frenzy

If you want to understand how the seemingly ordinary habit of clothes shopping can also be contributing to the sinister fast fashion frenzy, you're in the right place.

Five small steps for a more sustainable 2020

Here, we cut through the confusion to discuss how you can realistically change your life to live a more sustainable 2020.

‘Green guilt’ influences one tenth of people to change job

61% of adults experience feelings of green guilt for the environmental impact of their job - does this mean sustainability could become a factor when choosing jobs?

New report shows global progress towards eliminating plastic pollution

The scale of global efforts to eliminate plastic pollution has been revealed in a new report published by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme.

Girlguiding calls on government to support its #PlasticPromise campaign

Almost half a million Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and volunteers across the UK are calling on the government to join their #PlasticPromise campaign.

Building a sustainable future from our oceans

To address modern-day sustainability challenges, the EMBRC-ERIC was established to bridge the gap between marine biological research and innovation.

Japan: A glimpse into environment and energy issues

The work of the Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in the Government of Japan are examined here.

How can you reduce plastic in your business?

The experts at Safestore, self-storage providers, have shared their top 7 ways in which businesses can reduce their plastic.

How should SMEs be planning for the single-use plastics ban?

Andy MacInnes, B-Loony, discusses how the single-use plastics ban will affect SMEs and highlights the need for them to plan ahead for the future.

A new vision of plastic production and plastic use

Antonello Pezzini, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee shares his new vision of plastic production and plastic use.


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