A Chinese study identifies threats concerning close approaches by U.S. GSSAP satellites to Chinese GEO spacecraft, revealing potential threats to high-value assets.
With AMLO set to step down, many are looking to Mexico's future and asking who will be leading it. With polls suggesting a MORENA victory is inevitable, who are the candidates, and what do they stand for?
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that access to the abortion pill, Mifepristone, should be restricted potentially affecting countless women around the country.
Germany's China strategy, aims to withhold federal support from research projects at risk of a "knowledge drain" to China and improve awareness of security risks in cooperation with Beijing.
The OECD, a club consisting of rich countries based in Paris, has unveiled its latest forecasts, revealing the highest inflation rate for Britain among G20 Nations, placing it just behind Argentina and Turkey.
As Prime Minister Rishi Sunak travels to Washington DC, he will tell US lawmakers and entrepreneurs that the UK and US economic alliance and defence cooperation must be a top priority for the economy of both countries.
EU commissioner Mariya Gabriel has been nominated to be the next prime minister for the centre-right party of Bulgaria, but a political deadlock ensues.
Nigel Wilcock, Executive Director at the Institute of Economic Development (IED), discusses the post-Brexit economy, examining the critical economic challenges that have emerged following the UK’s departure from the EU.
Cuba's political prisoners total 1,066, with 11 new cases in February, highlighting the systematic violation of rights in all cases of political imprisonment in Cuba.
Several high-profile celebrities, including Dame Judi Dench, Ricky Gervais, Liam Gallagher, Kate Moss and Ed Sheeran, are urging MPs to vote for an unprecedented trophy hunting ban on March 17th.
Kyushu University analyses the impact of the Ukraine war on global energy prices and social surplus using the monthly input-output model of 56 sectors in 44 countries.
With less than two years to go until the next General Election, and with more than 75% of the British public against large animals in zoos, it is time that Parliament improves animal welfare.