Due to the very long rotation times of trees 100 years old or more, the forest sector is being particularly affected by the changes brought about by climate change, especially by the impact of drought.
Researchers from UC Davis have developed the ability to forecast the resilience of certain trees, revealing they can predict which will thrive best even...
Increased tree diversity can result in a higher buildup of carbon and nitrogen in forest soils, which helps to sustain soil fertility and mitigate global climate change.
The Atlantic Rainforest’s carbon storage capacity has been affected by deforestation due to human activity – with carbon emissions worse than those produced by climate change.
Open Access Government interviews María Fernanda Ghiso, an expert in Youth Inclusion at the Rainforest Alliance, to understand the role of young people and the environment.
Research from UC Riverside finds that fungi and bacteria can survive redwood tanoak forest megafires – they can even increase in number after feeling the flames.
Periods of political conflict and peace in Colombia have been shown to lessen and increase deforestation, due to fluctuations in agricultural practices.
Panama and other governments of tropical countries set out to understand how to inhibit deforestation and deliver reforestation tactics following the COP26 conference.