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Recycling System

New battery waste codes to improve the circular economy and promote recycling

To create a more sustainable and circular economy, the European Commission has updated the European List of Waste to include new waste codes specifically designed for battery-related waste.

Local governments can tackle climate change through waste management

Waste management has become increasingly important in the fight against climate change, as improved waste disposal can lower carbon emissions.

Climate change efforts in Denmark’s Ministry of Environment

Denmark’s Ministry of Environment is leading the nation’s efforts on climate change mitigation and developing a circular economy.

Plastic pollution and how COVID-19 contributed to the problem

Plastic pollution has been an issue since the 1960s, but when mask-wearing, single-use plastics and hand sanitiser bottles became the norm, things only got worse.

Could a littering heat map solve the waste problem?

Dyl Kurpil explains the value of a littering heat map in creating a proactive, intelligence-driven anti-litter strategy.

Time to stop passing the buck on plastic waste

Plastic waste and single-use plastic is a significant environmental, climate, and global health challenge – and it only seems to be getting worse.

What is reclaimed water and why is it dangerous?

Health risks are associated with reclaimed water that is used for road cleaning, greenfield irrigation and landscape fountains.

Discarded cigarette butts cost UK £40 million a year

The UK Government’s ambition of a smoke-free country by 2030 does little to solve the smoking-related litter problem facing our communities.

Horizon Europe: Six European cities piloting solutions for circular waste

European cities are moving towards becoming fully circular – not only recycling all their waste but also changing their production modes to fit circular waste models.

Joined-up refuse planning and education key to reducing fly-tipping

Fly-tipping is a blight on society and incurs a huge cost for both local authorities and land owners: we need a joined-up, consistent strategy.

“Advanced recycling” not the answer to plastic pollution crisis

Advanced or chemical recycling, has been incentivised by State laws in the US - but environmental advocates suggest it will only further plastic pollution.

5 ways to reduce food waste and live more green

With the UK continuing to send 18 million tonnes of food to landfill, here are some top tips to help you reduce food waste at home

A sustainable framework could make cities more water efficient and affordable

A sustainable framework can help to design efficient cities - with systems that supply affordable and accessible wastewater treatment, cooling, heating, and electricity.

Scientists create “breakthrough” technology to separate plastic types

Differentiating between numerous plastic types and separating them according to their chemical composition could increase the rate of plastic recycling enormously.

Why do businesses still not use reusable packaging?

Researchers suggest a digital track and trace system to encourage businesses to adopt reusable packaging and reduce waste, suggesting reasons why they may not have adopted them already.

Smart biodegradable devices that vanish when they need to

Dr Chang-Soo Kim, Professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology, enlightens us on smart biodegradable devices that vanish when they need to

Public unaware of what is actually classed as litter

Dyl Kurpil, Managing Director, District Enforcement asks, are the general public aware of what is actually classed as litter and the Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) litterers can be subject to?.


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