
European Research Council awards €36.75 million to 245 research project

The European Research Council (ERC) has announced that it will support 245 groundbreaking research projects through €36.75 million in grants.

NASA’s economic and educational impact on California

In the 2023 fiscal year, NASA's investments helped support 66,208 jobs in California.

Five Eyes launch Secure Innovation to protect tech sector

The Five Eyes intelligence partnership, which includes Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US, has officially launched Secure Innovation.

New fabric inspired by squid skin

Inspired by the adaptive properties of squid skin, researchers from the University of California, Irvine have developed a fabric capable of dynamically adjusting to temperature changes.

Laser technique recreates extreme star and planet conditions in lab

A research team led by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), in collaboration with the European XFEL, has successfully simulated extreme conditions similar to the ones found inside stars and planets using a smaller, more accessible laser technology.

European Research Council awards €780 million to emerging science talent across Europe

Set up by the European Union in 2007, the European Research Council is a funding organisation for research, they have now announced a major investment in the future of science with the award of 494 Starting Grants, totalling nearly €780 million, to young scientists and scholars across Europe.

Examining a meteor fireball: Research challenges claims of alien materials found in ocean

Researchers question the 2014 meteor fireball that was previously identified as "extraterrestrial technological".

The largest Holocene volcanic eruption unveiled in seabed survey

Researchers have discovered the ancient volcanic eruption that rocked the floor around Japan's Kikai caldera 7,300 years ago.

Machine learning leads to green energy breakthrough

Kyushu University joined Osaka University and the Fine Ceramics Center to utilise machine learning to accelerate the discovery of vital materials for advancing green energy technologies.

Understanding brain plasticity: The secrets behind daydreaming 

Mice offer valuable insights into the mysterious world of daydreams and their potential impact on brain plasticity.

Enabling speech through thoughts alone

A team of neuroscientists, neurosurgeons and engineers have created a speech prosthesis that can interoperate a person's brain signals and convert them into speech.

Light-induced evaporation: Study shows light can trigger water evaporation without heat

Evaporation happens around us all the time. However, a recent study found a surprising factor where evaporation can take place without heat present.


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