The European Commission has announced a recent investment of €29 million in three initiatives under Horizon Europe's WIDERA program, looking to support public engagement with science, provide better opportunities for early-career researchers, and enhance the practical application of research in society and the economy,
Evogene's Ag-Seed Division has been awarded a prestigious €1.2 million grant from the EU Horizon Program to develop innovative oil-seed crops with high carbon-dioxide assimilation and enhanced drought tolerance.
From drug research and ocean sediment to digital technology, the UK’s investment in infrastructure labs is to facilitate excellent national research and science.
Building on decades of ‘close cooperation', the UK and Japan have signed a renewed science and technology deal with the aim to bring cutting-edge new technologies to market.
The CBU JU has announced its second call to further the circular bio-based economy and its respective European industries. With €215.5 million across 18 topics up for grabs, what are the real details?
UKRI’s Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge (SSPP) is funding plastic-free packaging innovation projects for a range of food, personal and cleaning products.
The new GreenerTower revealed by Siemens Gamesa is to be built out of more sustainable steel, allowing the green transition for offshore wind to move even faster.
Open Access Government charts the support of the NSW Government in Australia for research and development, including a recent boost for artificial intelligence and other fields.
Open Access Government investigates some of the UK’s Minister of State in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology’s remit, including Horizon Europe and...
The European Commission is continuing its efforts towards improving Horizon Europe; here, Science|Business Network reveals its top 11 ways to make the EU’s €95.5...