Bio-Mi from Croatia shares its expert knowledge when it comes to the compostable plastics industry in South East Europe, including insights into their exciting R&D activities.
Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director of Science & Innovation at the Profil Institut für Stoffwechselforschung GmbH, explores if digital twins are game-changers in clinical research and clinical care.
Here, we discover why Gendius’ remote management technology, Intellin®, is poised to transform the way that we manage long-term health conditions including diabetes.
Researchers at the College of Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to help identify homeless youth at risk of substance abuse.
Mark Brett, public services expert at PA Consulting, explains how the Government could use the fourth industrial revolution to make sure no-one is left behind.
Researchers at the University of Toronto Engineering tried co-injection of both retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) cells and photoreceptor cells to reverse vision loss.
New research confirms that Black women continue to face natural hair discrimination, making Black women with straightened hair more likely to get hired.