Prof Dr Christoph Brochhausen-Delius from Institute of Pathology at the University Regensburg, charts the BRoTHER project that concerns regional cooperation for visionary work taking place in new technologies for next-generation biobanking.
Professor Ulrich Flögel, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, explains how magnetic resonance techniques can be exploited to unveil crucial alterations in lipid metabolism and homeostasis.
Here, Alberto Mantovani discusses how to balance chemical pesticides with crop-protection and food security, referring to the ever-evolving European framework.
Dr Nina Bassuk, Professor at Cornell University, details an absorbing aspect of plant science that concerns the biology of autumn leaf colour and deciduous trees of the northern hemisphere.
A DFG-project run by Professor Wolfgang Seibel, University of Konstanz, Germany, called “Black Swans in Public Administration: Rare Organisational Failure with Severe Consequences” is explained here in detail.
The new era of gravitational-wave astronomy is explored here by Miguel Holgado, PhD, Candidate at the Department of Astronomy, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Eugenia Etkina, Distinguished Professor of Science Education at Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, shares additional thoughts on implementing Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE), that helps all students feel empowered by learning physics.
University of Cambridge researchers have found unusual behaviour in Galapagos finches, who are showing signs of fear despite losing their predators over ten years ago: Why?
Swarms of nanoparticles which are 15,000 times smaller than a pinhead may be able to deliver vital drugs to the brain, offering new hope to stroke patients.
Not-for-profit technology provider for research and education, Jisc, and global publisher, Wiley, are poised to digitise a one-million-page collection on the history of science.