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EU research and innovation policies

The EU’s research and innovation policies, both past and present, are examined by Open Access Government.

Potassium rich diets to lower blood pressure

Women with high salt intake should eat a potassium rich diet to lower blood pressure and protect against cardiovascular events, according to study.

Type 1 diabetes treatment finds new target

A new route to the regeneration of insulin in the pancreatic stem cells indicates a major breakthrough for Types 1 and 2 Diabetes therapies.

Why doesn’t Jupiter have bigger rings?

Due to its size, Jupiter should theoretically have even more specular rings than Saturn however research has shown that its massive moons are preventing this.

Ensuring funding stability following Horizon Europe delays

The UK Government has put safeguards in place to protect its researcher's from the potential removal from the Horizon Europe funding programme.

A revolution in AI: diagnosing cystic hygroma early on

A unique Artificial Intelligence-based deep learning model can identify birth defects in fetal ultrasounds early on .

Computerized DNA motors are moving molecular robotics to the next level

Researchers have developed DNA motors with the ability to sense and process chemical information – mimicking the basic properties of living cells

The unseen universe, a new era for astronomy through James Webb

NASA has revealed a selection of new images from the James Webb Space Telescope JWST – allowing us to gain a whole new vision of the universe.

Viewing the universe anew: James Webb reveals its first infrared image

NASA has released the first official image from its current large-scale telescope project – the James Webb Space Telescope. Enabling America to "go places no one has ever gone before"

How do pandas survive solely on bamboo?

Pandas survive on a diet of bamboo, despite being bears. Why is this? The panda's long evolutionary history offers an answer.

Understanding pulsars: exploring the first exoplanet detections

A survey of 800 pulsars by Jodrell Bank over the last 50 years has revealed less than 0.5% of all known pulsars could host Earth-mass planets.

Why did the T-Rex have tiny arms?

The discovery of a giant new dinosaur may explain why the T-Rex and so many other prehistoric meat-eaters had such tiny arms.

Link between paternal depression and adolescent depression

Adolescent depression and behaviour problems are increasing and new research suggests that it is linked to paternal depression.

Dancing to groove music improves brain function

Research shows that dancing to groovy music doesn't just make us feel good, it also increases brain function.

How can we define a pond?

We can all identify a pond as a small, shallow waterbody - but how can we distinguish it from a lake or a wetland?

The Commission’s new European Innovation Agenda

July 2022 saw the European Commission’s attempt to spearhead what is known as the new innovation wave with its ‘European Innovation Agenda” placing it at the forefront of deep-tech innovation and start-ups.

Whales can learn complex songs from whales in other regions

A cultural transmission: humpback whales can learn and memorise complex songs from whales from other regions.


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