Neil Ballinger at EU Automation, explains why some countries are more successful at implementing automation and what UK manufacturers can learn from them
Professor Ken Saito and PhD candidate Yuki Takei, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, tells us about a project they are working on to generate typical animal like actions in robots.
Athena Coustenis, Niklas Hedman and Gerhard Kminek for the COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection discuss updates in the Planetary Protection Policy to ensure sustainable scientific lunar exploration.
Scientists at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology are trying to use neuroscience to create emotionally intelligent robots - which process more than logical instructions.
Chief Scientist at Dynamic Object Language Labs Inc, Dr Paul Robertson explains how autonomous AI systems are key to achieving synergy between humans and robotics that can work together as a team.
Ken Saito, Associate Professor from College of Science and Technology, Nihon University in Japan, tell us about a millimetre-sized microrobot with an artificial brain.
Dr Gamer, Academic Dean, Integrated Technology Division, tells us all about mechatronics education at Western Technical College, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
The role of technology and innovation in helping farmers overcome the challenges of COVID-19 and meet future demands are discussed here by David Green from the U.S. Sustainability Alliance.