David Bly, Managing Director of Cornerstone Management Services Ltd, a company providing independent expert property health surveys, is of the opinion more can be done to mitigate damp and mould.
British Safety Council, alarmed by new research, welcomes the #AirWeShare campaign in calling for urgent action on protecting outdoor workers from air pollution.
Around £200 million will be made available to remove and replace unsafe cladding from around 170 privately owned high-rise buildings, to prevent situations like the Grenfell tragedy.
New research has found an increasing appetite for smart city traffic solutions that aim to tackle urbanisation problems, such as congestion and security issues.
Social media companies and tech firms will be legally required to protect their users and face tough penalties if they do not comply with the new online safety laws.
Hitoshi Abe from the High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK) and SOKENDAI (the Graduate University for Advanced Studies) explains how a surface science solution will help to shape our society and increase safety and security.
Turid Rustad from the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science, NTNU, reveals the challenges and possibilities when it comes to the utilisation of pelagic fish, including catch that is used for human consumption.
Tony Anderson, Business Development Manager at Arqiva, explains how smart meters are measuring up to be one of the most debated topics for today's energy industry.
New research revealed today, shows that across the UK people aren’t in a position to combat the effects of extreme weather this winter, and over a third (35%) of Brits admit to not being prepared at all