The UK has allocated £1 million in funding to 16 ed-tech companies to develop AI tools that hopefully reduce the time teachers spend on marking and providing personalised student feedback.
In this article, we explore the difference in healthy stress and toxic stress, how our current exam system may well be aggravating stress levels, as well as the line between stress and mental health conditions.
Parents of primary school starters urged to check immunisation records after Public Health England (PHE) warns that 1 in 7 five-year-olds may not be fully immunised against MMR.
Enhanced £50 million commitment between LGfL and Virgin Media Business will increase the capacity of LGfL’s Ignite National Education Network and transform digital learning at thousands of schools.
A study of UK parents found that they will pay £28,000 on top of school and living costs, for childhood extracurricular activities until their offspring turn 18.
More often than not we find technologies used to enhance pupils’ attention spans, build confidence and learn more effectively, rarely is the conversation centred around how innovation can also help teachers teach.
Justin Ellis, Senior Data Centre Specialist at Comms Express advises how schools and universities can ensure that their students' data is safe online by following these measures.
Where The Trade Buys conduct a study to explore how well equipped the UK education system is to look after children with special educational needs (SEN).
To help combat Period Poverty, Initial Washroom Hygiene has partnered with Freedom4Girls, a UK-registered charity actively supporting women and girls in both the UK and worldwide, who struggle to access or afford safe menstrual protection.
Specialist teachers for deaf children are battling stress, spiralling workloads and excessive hours as the system falls into crisis, the National Deaf Children’s Society has warned.