
Why make STEM subjects more accessible?

Beverly Maloney, the STEM Lead and House Mistress of Blake House at Royal Hospital School, emphasises the significance and impact of making STEM subjects more accessible.

NASA brings STEM to life through children’s books and stratospheric balloons

A group of media specialists and teachers used children's books and balloon experiments to build STEM habits in their students.

The Doomsday Clock announcement: All you need to know

The Bulletin, stewards of the Doomsday Clock, will be announced on 10:00 a.m. EST/1500 GMT, January 23, 2024.

The immediate impact of e-hookah vaping on vascular health

With the rise of vaping continuing to increase, electronic (e-) hookahs have been advertised as a safer tobacco alternative, but it’s not all it seems.

Researchers identify missing component in Venus’ clouds

Researchers may have cracked the long-standing mystery surrounding the colour and splotchiness of Venusian clouds in the UV range.

Declining honey yields in the U.S. linked to herbicides

In the last few decades, honey yields in the United States have steadily declined since the 1990s, leaving honey producers and scientists looking for answers.

Supporting the U.S. Physical Sciences

Open Access Government looks at supporting the U.S. Physical Sciences in the U.S., including research on superconductivity, high energy physics, and quantum information science.

Self-organising system mimics features of complex organisms’ brains

Researchers demonstrate the impact of imposing physical limits on an Artificially Intelligent system, similar to the human brain, which must evolve and function within physical and biological limitations.

Astronomers unveil novel insights into galactic microquasar

Astronomers report groundbreaking discoveries in nature—detecting a unique quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) signal from a Galactic microquasar.

US forensic scientists make gunshot residue breakthrough

West Virginia University forensic scientists have made significant discoveries about how gunshot residue behaves, revolutionising crime scene investigations and forensic analysis.

Stellar collisions reveal new path to Gamma-ray bursts

An international team of astrophysicists studying a gamma-ray burst (GRB) may have discovered a new way to destroy stars

Australia takes steps to tackle the dangers posed by artificial intelligence

In light of increasing worldwide apprehensions regarding the potential dangers posed by artificial intelligence (AI), the Australian government has launched an extensive examination of AI technology.

‘Green comet’ to pass close to Earth for the first time in 50,000 years

Already flying above Kent, the UK can witness a “once in a lifetime” green comet on February 1st 2023, last seen in the Stone Age.


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