Researchers at the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) have developed a revolutionary catalyst that dramatically boosts the efficiency and affordability of green hydrogen production, paving the way for a sustainable energy future.
The 'Pegasus' spyware, used to hack deceased journalist Jamal Kashoggi, has been confirmed to exist in Apple devices - a new software update was released to counter the issue.
Ice-rich permafrost deposits will be transformed in large puddles of water in the coming decades, but before this happens, scientists want to collect information to better understand our past and predict our future, as explained by Arthur Monhonval.
Professor Ken Saito and PhD candidate Yuki Takei, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, tells us about a project they are working on to generate typical animal like actions in robots.
Electric buses are breaking through in city transportation. VTT Smart eFleet simulation service, created by VTT Technical Research Centre in Finland, helps to plan the optimal solution.
Here, Synthetic Biology Platform Lead at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Richie Kohman, continues exploring the breakthroughs of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS).
Amy Allsop, Project Assistant at Hydrogen Europe, reveals how hydrogen fuel cell buses offer an effective solution to the challenges of the decarbonisation of public transport.
Chris Girard, Associate Professor, Florida International University, explains how rural-urban cleavages in Afghanistan are revealed by coevolving informatics.
Athena Coustenis, Niklas Hedman and Gerhard Kminek for the COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection discuss updates in the Planetary Protection Policy to ensure sustainable scientific lunar exploration.
The Northern Health Science Alliance report says the North of England experienced a 17% higher rate of COVID death than the South - because of "higher deprivation and worse pre-pandemic health".
When it comes to time and how to use it, there are plenty of clashing opinions - what do scientists now think about how free time impacts your mental health?
The study, published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, used underwater video cameras to observe that Marine Protected Areas increased fish populations by almost 400%.
Research by the American Heart Association found that people with HIV are more likely to experience heart attacks - with "higher rates of sudden cardiac death".