The European Union has announced a significant funding opportunity for projects aimed at revitalizing neighbourhoods and fostering sustainability through the New European Bauhaus initiative.
Pfizer could make their COVID vaccine available to 12-year-olds in Europe from June, after clinical trials in March showed 100% efficiency for those aged 12 to 15.
The study found that missing a second COVID dose could "prolong" the pandemic, with more than 5 million people in the US not taking their scheduled dose.
The city of Manaus was hit so overwhelmingly by the Brazilian COVID mutation, it was believed that 75% of the population had COVID - what new truths are scientists learning about this powerful variant?
Scientists at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology are trying to use neuroscience to create emotionally intelligent robots - which process more than logical instructions.
New data from the UK's vaccination programme suggests that one in four people get Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine side effects - with most peaking in the first 24 hours, then gone in two days.
The COVID pandemic compelled students to migrate to screens, leaving teachers to get creative to protect their educational progress - which now means teaching science via Zoom.
India broke records on Thursday (23 April) as more than 310,000 new COVID cases were documented in one day - is the Indian 'double mutation', B1617, as infectious as the UK mutation?
Researchers studied over 30,688 HIV patients across seven Latin American countries - finding that life expectancy has dramatically increased over a period of 14 years.
Researchers believe that they have found a PTSD marker in the brain region associated with emotional regulation - with the marker being strongest in people with "impaired executive dysfunction".
Astronauts need mental health strategies that work as they drift in space with isolation, confinement and strange light-dark cycles - so they go to the Antarctic.