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New material boosts green hydrogen production efficiency and reduces costs

Researchers at the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) have developed a revolutionary catalyst that dramatically boosts the efficiency and affordability of green hydrogen production, paving the way for a sustainable energy future.

Scientists invent AI that creates COVID vaccine candidates within seconds

Scientists usually take months to analyse potential mutations of the virus, but this new AI can create COVID vaccine candidates within seconds.

What is the connection between pain and memory?

Researchers are investigating how everyday pain impacts memory - specifically, how do these daily experiences impact the way we think? 

Sputnik V vaccine is 91.6% effective against COVID

Interim data from Phase 3 clinical trials show that Russia's Sputnik V vaccine is capable of a 91.6% efficacy against COVID-19.

Research says 12 weeks between AstraZeneca doses improves protection

AstraZeneca dose efficiency holds at 76% in the three-month period between the first and second dose - suggesting that this time period is good for maximising protection.

Research suggests that childhood air pollution damages general intelligence

Childhood air pollution has been understood as partially responsible for respiratory health - now, researchers are investigating at how exposure can damage cognitive ability later on in life.

Climate change in South Africa could cost up to 20% of GDP

The impact of climate change in South Africa can be seen in economic productivity, healthcare outcomes and labour availability - but what could it cost the population in the future, if left unchecked? 

Data shows young, Black adults twice as likely to die after heart transplant

The American Heart Association found that young, Black adults are more than twice as likely to die in the first year after a heart transplant - in comparison to non-Black transplant recipients of the same age.

Scientists find dark matter halo around ancient galaxy

MIT astrophysicists looked 163,000 light years from Earth, to find that a tiny, ancient galaxy has a dark matter halo - meaning that the very first galaxies in the universe were more immense than anyone imagined.

Medicaid expansion improves pregnancy outcomes for low-income women

A professor describes severe maternal morbidity in low-income women as a public health crisis - now, Medicaid expansion seems to be improving pregnancy outcomes.

Scientists find new truths about how forests impact air quality

Researchers are looking at how forests impact air quality, based on the classification of temperate trees and what that means for how the forest really works.

Johnson & Johnson vaccine has 66% efficiency in one dose

New clinical trial data shows that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is able to give 66% protection against COVID in one dose - with an 85% efficiency at the standard double-dose.

Three ways to solve the logistical challenges of giving COVID vaccines

An anonymous Doctor explains their ideas for how the NHS could tackle the significant logistical challenges of giving COVID vaccines.

Horizon Europe reveals five main missions for new funding

The new Horizon Europe programme will pick up where Horizon 2020 left off, with five main missions - cancer, climate change, marine environment, smart cities and food security.

Novavax vaccine is 85.6% efficient against UK COVID mutation

Phase Three data from the UK trial shows that Novavax still works powerfully against the UK mutation, with a less intense impact on the South African mutation at 60%.

Is this a vaccine war or the first post-Brexit war?

Right now, the rift between AstraZeneca and the European Commission continues to grow - but is it a vaccine war or the first post-Brexit war?

Small hydropower dams in Brazil threaten marine biodiversity

The University of Washington found that small hydropower dams in Brazil are potentially damaging river connectivity and marine biodiversity - what's going on?


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