HomeOpen Access NewsSH - Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences - Alabama A&M University

SH - Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences - Alabama A&M University

AAMU DEFEND Scholars Participate in NSF Sponsored S-STEM “Summer Melt” Program

The participation of DEFEND Scholars in the S-STEM "Summer Melt" Program helps to increase the number of underrepresented students.

An environmental and social focus on air pollution and COVID-19

We speak to Dr Elica. M. Moss, about her work with air pollution and COVID-19 – with particular focus on environmental microbiology

Agricultural and Environmental Science Careers for Non-Traditional Students

Dr. Elica Moss and Dr. Sanju Sanjaya discuss agricultural and environmental science careers for students at Alabama A&M University.

Organismal contributions to changing climate

Zachary Senwo, PhD Professor, explores how organismal contributions can be used in the search for climate change solutions

Water quality research in the U.S.

Water quality is an integral aspect of the overall research at Alabama A&M University, A Center of Excellence in Watershed Management - here, Dr Elica M. Moss details ongoing and upcoming projects in her Environmental Microbiology Lab

What is Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)?

Here, Professor Zachary Senwo highlights how Soil organic carbon (SOC) interlinks with soil health, agriculture, climate change, and food security.

Disproportionate air pollution exposure in African-American communities

We spoke to Elica M. Moss from Alabama A&M University to profile her research on disproportionate air pollution exposure in African-American communities with the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice.

Soil rhizosphere, agriculture and human health

Zachary Senwo, PhD, Professor, tells us what we need to know about soil rhizosphere, agriculture and human health.

Why Nitrogen cycling is a keystone indicator in sustaining soil health

Zachary Senwo, Fulbright Scholar & Professor of Soil Microbial Biochemistry, Environmental Science & Toxicology at Alabama A&M University, explores nitrogen cycling in sustaining soil health and agricultural systems.

Dr Elica M. Moss: Changing the landscape of microbiology

Here, we interview Dr Elica M. Moss, a Research Assistant Professor in Environmental Health and Environmental Toxicology at the Alabama A&M University.

Cellular processes: Chromosome number patterns seen in ferns

Paul G. Wolf, Professor and Chair, Biological Sciences at The University of Alabama in Huntsville, explains cellular processes and attempts to link them to the chromosome number patterns seen in a particular group of plants: ferns.


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