HomeOpen Access NewsSH Unit4 Business Software Limited (UK & Ireland)

SH Unit4 Business Software Limited (UK & Ireland)

Innovation in contract management with UNIT4

Sally Murdoch, the Public Sector Director at Unit4, discusses the vision for contract management in local government.

Do you have the agility and data visibility you need to properly plan for your organisation’s future?

After a decade of financial instability, the COVID-19 pandemic, and a period of rising demand for services, robust financial planning and data visibility is more important to the public sector than ever.

Data-driven Government from Unit4 ERP

Sally Murdoch, Public Sector Director from Unit4 discusses breaking down silos to create a data-driven culture in government and public administration.

Finding success in back-office transformation

Change is inevitable - but the nature of change itself is evolving as organisations work to manage the impact of multiple accelerating and unforeseen events.

The state of the digital nation in the public sector

Sally Murdoch, Director – Public Sector Marketing at Unit4, considers the state of the digital nation in the public sector

Delivering best practice back-office collaboration with ERP

Sally Murdoch, Director – Public Sector Marketing at Unit4, discusses how next generation ERP can improve back-office processes.

De-risking transformation to deliver resilient government services

Mark Gibbison, Global Head of Public Sector at Unit4, explores how the focus on People Experience delivers more of what matters: helping citizens and communities thrive.

Managing COVID with digital transformation

Digital transformation can help you manage the true cost of COVID, in the view of Sally Murdoch, Public Sector Director at Unit4.


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