Cosmetic surgery isn’t necessarily the answer to stopping your skin ageing; understanding what lifestyle factors may be affecting the age of your skin could change everything.
As the temperatures continue to rise, we all need to be aware of the dangers of our sun and how to keep safe in hot weather, especially looking out for those most vulnerable.
British Skin Foundation walk us through the two main types of skin cancer, melanoma & non-melanoma, and the importance of funding research in the field.
Mikko Mäkelä, Research Professor at VTT, discusses the possibilities of a hyperspectral camera – a device that can see things which the human eye cannot.
Banning commercially available indoor tanning beds would prevent skin cancer and reduce deaths from the most serious form of skin cancer known as melanoma.
Chanda Siddoo-Atwal continues the discussion about scientific sunburn & skin cancer focusing on sunscreens that prevent scientific sunburn (apoptosis).
Prof Dangou from the WHO Regional Office for Africa, Congo, speaks about the different kinds of skin cancer:non-melanoma skin cancers and malignant melanoma.