Soil Research

Healthy soils, resilient farms: U.S. soil conservation lessons

David Green, Policy Advisor, and Maite Caballero, Researcher, from the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, examine healthy soils and resilient farms, focusing on lessons learned from U.S. soil conservation.

What is perennial rice and why is it making history?

It may have taken more than 9,000 years of cultivation, but annual paddy rice is now available as a long-lived perennial rice.

The overlooked water-bound loss of carbon from peatlands

In this third contribution of a series of four, Bernd Lennartz, Haojie Liu and Franziska Tanneberger give insight into the water-bound loss of carbon from peat soils.

Soil health for sustainable agriculture

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, charts the rising importance of soil health for sustainable agriculture.

How to compost: saving the planet with food waste

Compost can boost global crop production and reduce methane emitted through landfills – and it can all start in your home with unwanted food scraps.

The link between soil health and the survival of global agriculture

Here, we speak to Assistant Professor Christine Sprunger, who gives us expert insight on the universal need for soil health.

How to improve biological control agents for soil and pest management

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, explains the need for an integrated approach to improve adoption of biological control agents for soil and pest management.

5 ways to reduce food waste and live more green

With the UK continuing to send 18 million tonnes of food to landfill, here are some top tips to help you reduce food waste at home

Caretaking of soil organic matter and its far-reaching effects

Lynn Brandenberger, Professor of Horticultural Food Crops and Ajay Nair Associate Professor Extension Vegetable Specialist, discuss the importance of soil care for crop production, particularly when it comes to soil organic matter

Real-time soil health management for sustained agriculture practices

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, turns the spotlight onto continuous and real-time soil health management, which are critical for sustained agriculture practices.

AI soil sensors could minimise fertiliser use in agriculture

Smart sensor AI technology can reduce environmental damage created by fertilisers, allowing farmers to use fertilisers less, and more effectively.

Nature-based solutions for climate change: OPERANDUM project

Professor Silvana Di Sabatino, tells us about the H2020 funded OPERANDUM project as a nature-based solution for climate change adaptation The OPERANDUM (OPEn-air laboRA-tories for...

Knowledge and technologies for effective wood procurement

TECH4EFFECT Co-ordinator and Head of Research of Forest and Forest Resources from the NIBIO, Rasmus Astrup explains how timber extraction needs to be improved for greater environmental and production efficiency in the European forest sector.

What is Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)?

Here, Professor Zachary Senwo highlights how Soil organic carbon (SOC) interlinks with soil health, agriculture, climate change, and food security.

Rice: Tiny grain, global phenomenon

Asiha Grigsby, Director, International Promotion Western Hemisphere at USA Rice, enlightens us on rice, which can be described as a tiny grain, yet a global phenomenon.

Abrupt thaw events: Local landscape degradations with large-scale impacts on Arctic ecosystems

Thaw slump events are local landscape degradations that are expanding with present-day warming in the Arctic, as explained by Maxime Thomas from the Earth and Life Institute at UCLouvain, Belgium.

What is a bacterium?

Ann G. Matthysse, from the University of North Carolina’s Department of Biology, delves into an exploration of harmful and useful bacteria for elementary school students.


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