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Space Exploration

Astronomers map the 3D atmosphere of exoplanet Tylos

Astronomers have discovered by looking through an exoplanet's atmosphere and mapping its 3D structure for the first time.

James Webb Space Telescope takes photo of satellite galaxy

The James Webb Space Telescope, now fully calibrated, has taken an image of a neighbouring satellite galaxy.

Study finds moon could create fuel for future space missions

Soil on the moon could soon create oxygen and fuel for future space missions - making those exploratory trips potentially longer.

What is Astrophysics?

Daniele Malafarina, Associate Professor from Nazarbayev University, School of Sciences and Humanities, unpacks astrophysics for us.

Gravitational lensing: Warping space-time to view exoplanets

Conceptual imaging techniques, like gravitational lensing, can show exoplanets in 1,000 times more detail than the strongest technology available.

Gas from post-starburst galaxies found in plain sight

Researchers discover rather than expelling it, post-starburst galaxies condense their gas - but the question is, why?

ESO telescope captures surprising changes in temperature on Neptune

Using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT), researchers reveal recent changes in the atmospheric temperature on Neptune.

Star collisions may fuel massive black holes, says new simulation

The DEMOBLACK team have been able to point out a rang out exotic outcomes when concerning the collision of giant stars

Astronomers discover furthest known galaxy, known as HD1

A team from the Centre for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian, have spotted the most distant astronomical object ever: A galaxy

Understanding Jupiter’s Galilean moon and shimmering auroral footprints

Scientists discover clues about what causes Jupiter’s auroral footprints and shimmering lights in space.

Education equals innovation when studying in Japan

Open Access Government discuss Japan’s focus on supporting young researchers to help achieve the country’s scientific research and development goals when studying in Japan.

Hubble Space Telescope finds most distant star ever documented

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope reveals the most distant star ever documented - it took the light from Earendel 12.9 billion years to reach Earth.

Earth’s closest black hole actually “vampire” two-star system

It has been scientifically accepted that Earth's closest black hole is about 1,000 light-years away - but now, research suggests that black hole doesn't exist.

4.4 million galaxies revealed by new space map

A map of space has revealed an astonishingly detailed radio image of more than 4.4 million objects and a very dynamic picture of our Universe.

Big science from little telescopes

NAOJ Director General Saku Tsuneta explains Japan’s strategy of using both large and small facilities for multi-messenger astronomy

Scientists find new type of star covered with carbon and oxygen

A group of astronomers from the University of La Plata and Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics found a new type of star - covered in the by-product of helium burning.

Scientists find potential “habitable zone” near dead star

An international team has found what could be a planet with one billion years of "habitable zone" time left.


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