Monica Arés is Executive Director of Imperial College Business School’s Innovation, Digital Education & Analytics (IDEA) Lab, examines how AI and XR hold the key to inclusive STEM learning.
Ilijana Vavan, Managing Director of Kaspersky Lab for Europe, discusses the clear gender gap in the IT industry as research reveals that women only account for 26% of the computing workforce.
On International #WomenInSTEM day 2019, four women in the technology field told us about their jobs, their passions and their experiences in the industry: read now to understand their experiences.
According to UK officials, girls' misconceptions of STEM subjects make them less likely than boys to consider taking Science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects at A Level.
Dividing up video games, fighting over who keeps the Netflix account and arranging joint custody of the dog: Mark Sewell discusses the impending global space race after Brexit.
A recent STEM skills indicator showed that businesses at the cutting edge of the industrial economy are feeling the effects of a lack of STEM skills in the UK workforce. Rich Mortimer, Chief People Officer, Egress Software Technologies, discusses how tech business can address the issue.
The UK must address the increasing number of science skills shortages to maintain its world-leading position for medicines and vaccines research and development, says the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI).
Dr Suzanna M. Rose from the Office to Advance Women, Equity & Diversity, Academic Affairs shares her views on working towards a university climate of inclusive excellence when it comes to the representation of women and minorities in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
The UK Hydrographic Office has been awarded Highly Commended STEM Inspiration Awards ahead of National STEM Day, in recognition of their outstanding commitment to encouraging young people into science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers
STEM, four little letters that stand for big subjects: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Careers within STEM account for 20% of the UK's total workforce, employing close to 5.8 million people. Clearly - STEM matters
The important mission of the National Science Foundation when it comes to fostering excellence in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education for all students in the U.S. is placed under the spotlight by Open Access Government
IET is today calling for a more balanced curriculum across the nation’s schools to ensure young people have a rounded knowledge and the skills needed to pursue further education and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
On environmental undergraduate research, Professors Tom Landerholm and Kelly McDonald discuss their plan to focus all of their students on the research needed for a local river to recover
Gaming entrepreneur, Jessica Saunders, speaks out about her successful career in the male-dominated industry as we celebrate International Women’s Day 2018