Han-Son Lee, founder of Daddilife, discusses the mental health challenges that many modern day dads experience in the workplace as a result of the stress of trying to balance work and family life.
Here, Lucy Victoria Desai, copywriter at Mediaworks, looks into the mental health of catering employees and offers advice on how they can alleviate stress.
Research has found that as many as one in three Brits display symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) each year. But what exactly is it, what are the symptoms, and how can we combat it in our workplace?
Shinichi Tokuno from Voice Analysis and Measurement of Pathophysiology, Department of Bioengineering, Graduate School of Engineering, at the University of Tokyo, provide an overview of “MIMOSYS”, a “mind monitoring” system that uses voice analysis technology.
In the first of a three part series, member firms of Ius Laboris outline the law across Belgium, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Italy around mental health in the workplace.
The state of the nation's mental health as a whole is in dire straits, but new research from Smart TMS show that women, in particular, are suffering when it comes to stress at work.
Making the first move in reaching out to a loved one who is suffering with their mental health will make the world of difference to their wellbeing. Here, we discuss how best to approach the subject and how you can offer support.
According to research conducted by the Dolan Contractor Group, one in every eight UK employees have taken time off for excessive workplace stress in the last year.