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Sustainable Development

The UK’s plans to create thousands of clean energy jobs

The UK government's "Plan for Change" aims to create thousands of clean energy jobs nationwide by 2030.

How do we define green infrastructure?

An exploration of ‘green infrastructure’ plans across 20 US cities found several inconsistent and limited definitions - so researchers created a new one.

Utilisation of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in integrated inquiry activities

Kouji Takeda*, Masataka Jitsuno* and Yumie Akaishi** examine the utilisation of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in integrated inquiry activities, starting with current status in Japan.

Emerging role of the F&B industry in the circular economy

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director at Frost & Sullivan, explores the emerging role of the food and beverage industry in the circular economy

City & region climate action keeps hope alive for COP26 outcomes

Yunus Arikan, Director of Global Advocacy, Local Governments for Sustainability, tells us that city and region action keeps hope alive for COP26 outcomes

Smart biodegradable devices that vanish when they need to

Dr Chang-Soo Kim, Professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology, enlightens us on smart biodegradable devices that vanish when they need to

Knowledge and technologies for effective wood procurement

TECH4EFFECT Co-ordinator and Head of Research of Forest and Forest Resources from the NIBIO, Rasmus Astrup explains how timber extraction needs to be improved for greater environmental and production efficiency in the European forest sector.

Gene editing promises to make human industry sustainable

L. Val Giddings, PhD, Senior Fellow, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, states that gene editing promises to make human industry sustainable*.

All electric vehicles by 2030

Wilke Reints looks at how electric vehicles can be implemented before 2030 – especially when it comes to infrastructural necessities.

Why nappy tax is not an efficient method to tackle climate issues

Guy Schanschieff MBE, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Bambino Mio, discusses why introducing a nappy tax on disposable nappies is not the best way to tackle climate issues.

European Commission’s long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas

The European Commission's long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas is explored here, with a focus on identifying the challenges and concerns, as well as highlighting the most promising opportunities.

The role of Institutional Investor in ESG investment chain in Japan

Professor Yumiko Miwa, Meiji University in Japan, discusses the role of the Institutional Investor in ESG investment chain in Japan.

Healthy biodiversity: The key to reaching the blue bioeconomy’s full potential

Nicolas Pade & Sabrina Gaber of the European Marine Resource Centre discuss optimising exploration and exploitation of the blue bioeconomy.

How cities can complement the European Green Deal

Sebastian Marx, Project Coordinator, Eurocities, says that increased commitment to environmental protection in cities will help the EU achieve its green ambitions.

Delivering a sustainable workforce for the food production industry

A lot of thought is invested in modern and sustainable food production, but where should the sustainable workforce come from that will supply the skills of the climate-smart industry of the future? Bengt Fellbe, Program Leader, SSEC, Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration, explores.

The Green Post COVID Era: Sustainable IT for the future

Walter Heck, CTO at HeleCloud, looks ahead to the Green Post COVID Era and argues that sustainable IT paves the way for a green future.

Reshaping Europe’s entire energy system

Open Access Government charts the European Commission’s ambitious goals to reshape the entire energy system across Europe.


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