The Clean Industry Bonus will provide financial support to offshore wind developers, focusing mainly on areas that need economic investment, including industrial heartlands and coastal regions.
As the demand for eco-friendly solutions continues to grow, landlords face the challenge of looking for ways to change homes to become sustainable properties.
Alex Hunter, CEO of Sherwood Power, argues that we will only see a competitive and sustainable battery industry for Europe if we embrace new battery technologies and energy storage solutions.
The Aneurin Bevan Health Board has invested in a solar-integrated roof for their newly opened HSDU facility in South Wales, which supports the NHS net zero commitment.
Only 13% of thermal energy in Europe is produced by renewable energy sources and 40% from natural gas alone(1). Therefore, unlocking local, green produced, sustainable heating now is a must.
Guy Battle, CEO of Social Value Portal, explores how Scope 3 standards offer a new perspective and a clear path forward for those ready to take the next steps on their decarbonisation journey.
Cameron Hawkins, Head of Energy and Environment at NHS Property Services (NHSPS), provides an update on a net-zero NHS and explores how we turn this bold ambition into reality.
The European Commission has approved an Italian scheme, through the Recovery and Resilience Facility ('RRF'), to support the construction and the operation of new or converted biomethane production plants.
The new “plug-and-play” biobattery developed by researchers at Binghamton University State University of New York, has proven its worth – with the team revealing it can last for weeks at a time.
Ian O’Hora, Head of Green Economy at IDA Ireland, discusses renewable energy production and exports, and how Ireland is gradually excelling in its climate action strategies.